"RED LAKE FALLS, MINN. — They can laugh now as they remember how Corey conspired with his brother to get them to buy a big-screen TV.
Jim Rystad can smile as he recalls the 3 a.m. phone calls that told him his son was OK. He looked forward to those reassuring calls from Corey at war as much as he dreaded the always-bad 3 a.m. calls that came when he served as a sheriff’s deputy.
The blue star banner the Rystads had displayed, symbolizing a member of the family in service, hangs in Corey’s room alongside the gold star banner Donna received from Alice Longtin. Next to the banners is a case holding Corey’s decorations, including a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star."
More...Grand Forks Herald | 'A piece of your heart that hurts':
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