Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Special homecoming planned in Genesee County

"Special homecoming planned in Genesee County by Blue Star Mothers for National Guard soldiers' return from Iraq
by RoNeisha Mullen The Flint Journal
Monday November 24, 2008, 12:11 AM
FLINT, Michigan -- For almost a year, they've been stationed in a place that's nothing like home, without any family and only the friends they've made along the way."

Special homecoming planned in Genesee County by Blue Star Mothers for National Guard soldiers' return from Iraq - The Flint Journal Online News - Michigan Newspaper - MLive.com:

Tennessee: Military mothers forming support group

"As she sorts through the many emotions surrounding her 22-year-old son’s upcoming deployment to Iraq, Janis Dearman knows she’s not alone.
But the strong support network she’s developed through church and family somehow still isn’t enough when it comes to her youngest child’s first tour of duty, she says.
“I want to have an association with other mothers who are going through the same thing I am,” said Mrs. Dearman, of East Brainerd. “There’s this combination of pride and patriotism and fear about the potential harm. It’s not political. It’s not partisan. There are just so many things involved, and it helps to have the support and encouragement of people who understand.”"

Chattanooga Times Free Press Tennessee: Military mothers forming support group:

In honor of Blue Star mothers on Veterans Day

"I had not put a lot of thought into what to post on Veterans day until yesterday when I noticed this blue star flag hanging in a condo window on Main Street. It is my understanding that the Blue Star Mother’s of America fly this or similar banners when their children are serving in a war … My Grandmother had this blue star banner in her window while my father served in World War II."

Greenville Daily Photo - living downtown » In honor of Blue Star mothers on Veterans Day:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Veterans honoring veterans – ‘Roger that’

"Spike Schau – a 49-year-old veteran – is re-enlisting in the Navy (which has a maximum re-enlistment age of 50). Schau had a three-year gap in service and has five years to go to retirement. To be in the armed forces has an emotional appeal for him, but perhaps what runs deeper is riding his Harley with the Patriot Guard Riders."

He received photos, folded flags, a golden spike, jokes, jibes, love, hugs, plaques, a prayer (“Dear God, please bring Spike safely home”) and a “Go Navy, Baby” T-shirt with the requisite, curvy and jutting scantily clad damsel at a ship’s helm. Shy shining Heidi, Spike’s pre-teen daughter, wrote a piece read by his fiancée. Heidi enjoyed playing dominoes with him, although he always won and playing UNO and he would always say “Darn” when picking up the cards.
Tami Jenkins from Delta Blue Star Moms hugged Spike. “You always cry,” said Spike. “And then you make the bikers cry.”

Brentwood Press:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Group puts wreaths on veterans' graves

"Group puts wreaths on
veterans' graves
Created On: Friday, 21 Nov 2008, 8:53 AM MST
ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) - Wreaths Across America next month will be placing Christmas wreaths on every veteran's grave at national cemeteries across the country. Jim Grant with the New Mexico chapter of the Patriot Guard Riders talks about the program and how you can help."

Group puts wreaths on veterans' graves:

BSM Light of Love Tree

"Light of Love Tree
Kershaw Park Gazebo, Canandaigua NY
November 30, 2008 to December 31, 2008

In honor of those who are still serving our country and for those who have been injured trying to preserve our American way of life for our veterans and in memory of those who gave their lives for our freedom...

The City of Canandaigua will place a tree in the gazebo of Kershaw Park and the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. NY Chapter #1 will place Blue, Gold and Silver Stars on the Tree. Small pictures of past and present servicemen and women will be placed in the center of each star. Branch insignia's will be in place of photo if no picture is sent. The lights will be Red,White and Blue and turn on at dusk and off at dawn.

Light of Love Star Colors:
Blue represents any service member, active, reserve, or guard.
Silver represents a service member wounded in the line of duty.
Gold represents a service member that has lost their life in the line of duty.
Black represents a service member that is listed as missing in action or prisoner of war."

Soldiers Angels New York: BSM Light of Love Tree:

Honoring our Veterans

"Veterans Day is a chance to honor the men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. And this year is especially significant, when you consider this Tuesday marks 80 yaers since the signing of the armistice that ended hostilities between Germany and the Allied Nations at the end of World War I."

New Mexico In Focus: Episode 220 - Honoring our Veterans:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blue Star Mothers Celebrate

Blue Star Mothers Celebrate - Local News - News : Grand Junction, Colorado: "Over a dozen women pledged their allegiance to veterans tonight. The Blue Star Mothers of the Grand Valley celebrated their 1 year anniversary and honored missing soldiers. The Grand Valley Chapter now has over 30 members. These 30 members all share the experience of having children in combat. The group has been serving America's troops since 1942..."