News and clips about Blue Star Mothers across the Nation and of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Blue Stars Mothers: Chapter 26

Blue Star Wives

was difficult being the ones left behind. The fear of the unknown was unsettling, unnerving and very disconcerting. To sit around waiting for time to pass and the war to end, wasn't an option for many women. They looked for ways they could feel useful, ways they could be a part of the war effort and show their unending support for the millions fighting in the war.June Warner was the wife of a man serving his country in WWII. Her husband, Jack Warner, was a pilot flying in the Army Air Corp. "As soon as war was declared, Jack went into the service," said June. The year was 1942. Jack flew countless missions and before being released from the service in 1953, was given the dubious distinction of an Ace Pilot, a fact that makes June very proud.During the years her husband was fighting overseas, June felt the overwhelming need to get involved. She knew a number of wives from the Cut Bank area felt the same way she did. "I knew we women had to do something," said June. So she organized the women and "got them going," as June put it and the Blue Star Wives organization was born. She stepped into the role as president and Marky Jones, a good friend through the ages, became the vice president."We sold war bonds and we sold more of them in the state of Montana than anywhere in the United States," June said proudly."
Friday Girls Scouts to be stationed around town for cookie sales
Article Launched: 02/27/2008 12:12:54 AM PST
Girl Scouts of Northern California will hit the streets Feb. 29 through March 16 for their annual cookie sale. They will be stationed at grocery stores, on city sidewalks and at shopping centers. More than 30,000 Girl Scouts will take part in the first cookie sale under the newly formed Northern California council."
Store owner donates time to Blue Star Mothers

Newport native and Navy veteran Cahill, 30, placed a call to Northern Kentucky's chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America in March 2007 expressing a desire to help the group raise funds. A month later, Cahill hosted a fundraiser and presented the group with a check for $1,080."
More...Community Press - Store owner donates time to Blue Star Mothers:
Bound together by feelings of fear, and hope

Click byline for more stories by writer.
First published: Monday, February 25, 2008
EAST GREENBUSH -- Mothers whose sons and daughters are serving in war zones speak a different language.
Anxiety and worry are understood. Laughter is like a drug. The value of a good hug can never be overestimated.
In the year since it was founded, the Albany chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America has provided moral support, and far more, to more than 100 women. The group started with just five members in February 2007.
On Sunday, they celebrated their first anniversary with a blue jean ball and awards ceremony. They pledged to keep reaching out to moms who need someone to talk to when a son or daughter is deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan."
More...Bound together by feelings of fear, and hope -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Mother to accept medals in honor of late son killed in Vietnam

STILL WRITING AND REMEMBERING – Weehawken resident Virginia Dabonka holds
pictures of her late sons, John (left) and Joseph (right), both of whom were
victims of the Vietnam War. Dabonka, a published and accomplished poet, will
receive the Hudson County Distinguished Military Service Medal in honor of her
late son John Tuesday in Jersey City.
"Virginia Dabonka still remembers the first time she started writing poetry.
It was the summer of 1958 and the dedicated mother was sitting in a Union City baseball field watching her youngest son, John, play the sport he loved.
'John inspired me,' recalled Dabonka, who has been a Weehawken resident for almost 30 years. 'I started writing, 'God guide my kid,' as he was playing baseball. That's how it all started. I still have the card I wrote it on. It just came to me that day.'
Nearly 50 years to the very day, Dabonka is still writing poetry, even though she just turned a spry and active 85 years old.
'It's just like an outlet to me now,' Dabonka said. 'I just sit down and write. People, friends encourage me to write for them. They ask me to write something and I do. It's all entertainment for me. I keep everything I write in a book.'
Over the years, Dabonka's poetry has been featured in books and magazines, published in variety of periodicals and publications."
More...The Hudson Reporter - Survivor still writing poemsMother to accept medals in honor of late son killed in Vietnam:
California Deployment
Just love those serving and those that have served! Thank you!"
More...The Irritable Middle Age Woman with Cancer: Love those bike shorts!:
Brainerd Chapter Blue Star Mothers

Minnesota is at the heart of a national resurgence of a historic organization: the Blue Star Mothers.
Kevin Giles, Star Tribune Last update: February 21, 2006 - 11:55 PM
Copyright 2006 Star Tribune. All rights reserved.
SAUK CENTRE, MINN. - It's time for the roll call of military mothers in this central Minnesota meeting room: Becky Eibensteiner, her daughter back from Iraq. Sue Winges, her son headed to Iraq. Iris Krebsbach, one son home from Bosnia but another sent to Iraq.
All counted, 24 mothers. Some weep. The room falls silent.
'Every meeting brings tears to my eyes,' said Cathy Von Wahlde, a member of the Blue Star Mothers of Sauk Centre whose daughter Jodi returned from Iraq last fall. 'When I look at all the other moms sitting there concerned and worried about their sons getting prepared to go over, I know how they feel.'"
more...Brainerd Chapter Blue Star Mothers:
St Cloud organizational meeting

The St. Paul resident and vice president of the Minnesota chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America displays the symbol in honor of her son Chris Zaspel, who has done a tour of duty in Afghanistan and is slated to deploy to Iraq in October.
'It shows pride in my son and what he represents,' McLean said. 'It's not about showing support for the war. It's about showing support for the troops.'
Founded during World War II, the nonprofit Blue Star Mothers is a national support group for people with a loved one fighting in a war.
Blue Star Mothers is looking to start a chapter in St. Cloud. The group will be hosting an informational meeting at 11 a.m. Saturday at the St. Cloud VFW Post 4847 with the hope of drawing enough interest to start a local chapter.
McLean and Minnesota chapter President Dorothy Sills will be among the people speaking to those in attendance."
More...St. Cloud Times Local News:
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Elks Lodge to Host “Evening in Venice” March 1
The Tulsa Elks Lodge will host a charity event March 1 called “An Evening in Venice.” In conjunction with this fundraiser, the Elks Lodge is having a silent and live auction with casino activities.
The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. with wine, hors d’oeuvres, entertainment and the auctions. Last year, the Lodge’s first year for the event, approximately 285 attended; the organization expects an even larger attendance in 2008.
Auctions items will include golf packages, gift certificates, hotel rooms, chrome wine chiller, four nights in five star resorts in Hot Springs, Ark., autographed ORU basketball and tickets, University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State baskets, limousine tours, dance lessons and various beauty and spa packages."
Dozens of Air Force reservists from Tucson to deploy next week
By Aaron Mackey
Dozens of U.S. Air Force reservists based at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base are scheduled to deploy next week.
About 80 reservists with the 943rd Rescue Group, which specializes in combat search and rescue, are scheduled to deploy to the Middle East, says Master Sgt. Shawn McCowan, a unit spokesman.
The 943rd will deploy along with members of its parent unit, the 920th Rescue Wing, for more than a year, McCowan says.
McCowan wouldn’t say when the unit would leave or exactly where the reservists would be sent because of security concerns, which is standard military procedure."
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Military moms launch group for support
Mothers who have children in the military share a special bond, especially when the country is at war.
To strengthen that bond, the Grand Strand chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America Inc. will hold its first organizational meeting tonight. The nonprofit support group was formed during World War II to provide camaraderie, support active-duty service personnel and veterans' groups and promote patriotism.
"We have a lot to offer these mothers that are scared [to death]," said Micki Williams of Murrells Inlet, whose son completed three tours in Iraq with the Marine Corps before going to work for Homeland Security in Washington, D.C."
More...MyrtleBeachOnline.com 02/21/2008 Military moms launch group for support:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Happy Valentines's Day!

Dave Penn of New Hampshire Army National Guard's 34th RAOC Unit surprises
his daughter, Elizabeth Penn, 18, at a Keene State College dance last night.
"KEENE – She hadn't expected him home until April, but last night, Elizabeth Penn cried tears of joy as she embraced her father, David Penn, a New Hampshire Army National Guard soldier home from Iraq on a two-week leave.
A freshman at Keene State College, Elizabeth had just walked into a semi-formal dance at Holloway Hall when the song 'Hero' by Mariah Carey started to play.
Her friends, who had all kept the secret for weeks, turned and looked toward the door. That's when Elizabeth saw her father, dressed in fatigues, carrying a bouquet of flowers and a stuffed animal. The two embraced, and the tears started to flow as Elizabeth's friends and family encircled them, capturing the moment forever on cameras and video.
"I'm just shocked," said Elizabeth, wearing a black gown with rhinestones. "I don't know what to say. I'm shaking." "
Blue Star Mothers of America, Arizona Chapter: Happy Valentines's Day!:
Blue Stars look for members
By Rick Holtz
Managing Editor
The local chapter of Blue Star Mothers is looking for members.
'We are a support group,' Gayle Sosbe, President of local chapter, 'We take care of each others needs while our sons and daughters are off at war.'
Sosbe said that the local chapter is just one of five in the state. She said there is a north central chapter, two southern Indiana chapters, an Indianapolis chapter and the West Central Indiana chapter."
More...Blue Stars look for members:
Elks lodge sponsors fundraiser
The Tulsa Elks Lodge No. 946 fundraiser includes a live and silent auction, beverages, hors d'oeuvres and entertainment.
Event co-chair Joyce Hart said the Tulsa Elks Lodge has supported the Claremore Veterans Center, a long-term care facility for ill veterans, for years. When the opportunity came to help the Blue Star Mothers, "It seemed like the perfect marriage." "
More...Elks lodge sponsors fundraiser:
Monday, February 18, 2008
Southeast ohio Chapter 12
Date 2/25/2008
Time 6:00 PM TO 8:00 PM
Event Description:
Monthly meeting of family members that have a loved one in or honorably discharged from any one of the United States Armed Forces.
Crossroads Branch Library"
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Blue Star Mothers to honor 3 at ball
Saturday, January 19, 2008; Posted: 08:53 AM
Jan 19, 2008 (Albany Times Union - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX)"
Capital Region residents will be honored for their service to the Capital Region #2 of Blue Star Mothers. Melody Burns of Delmar, Danielle Powell of Glenmont and Richard Van Etten of Coxsackie will receive 2008 Freedom Awards during a ceremony at the group's Blue Jean Ball at 2 p.m. Feb. 24 at the Rensselaer Elks Lodge in East Greenbush. Jessica Layton of WNYT Ch. 13 News will be emcee.
More...Blue Star Mothers to honor 3 at ball: Group will hold gala event Feb. 24 at Elks Lodge in East Greenbush:
Oklahoma scene:
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Colorado Eagles to Berkeley - part 1

More...Gathering of Eagles: Colorado » Blog Archive » Colorado Eagles to Berkeley - part 1:
Valentines going to troops

Photo by Caroline Turney
By Caroline Turney
Staff Writer
"Sixty pounds of good old fashioned jerky will be shipped to local military personnel serving over seas for Valentines Day sending a message of appreciation tangible enough for the troops to really sink their teeth into. The care packages, intended for Cupid’s holiday of admiration, will convey 30 pounds (about $500 worth) of the chewy snack giving a new twist to the phrase, “tough love.”"
more...The Canyon Lake Times Guardian:
Oh, what will this year bring?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Berkeley eases anti-Marines stance

Angela Hart
and Associated Press
Article Launched: 02/12/2008 10:36:42 AM PST"
City Council members who were criticized for telling Marine recruiters they don't belong in Berkeley are moderating their position.
They now say they oppose the war in Iraq but support the troops.
Berkeley's City Council voted two weeks ago to send a letter to a downtown recruiting station advising the Marines they were not welcome.
In a session that stretched into early Wednesday, the council said they recognize recruiters' right to be in Berkeley. The council reiterated its opposition to the war but said, "We deeply respect and support the men and women in our armed forces."
"4:35 p.m.
Red, white and blue far outnumbered pink now in the runup to
the 7 p.m. city council meeting."
""It's hard to get through these deployments," said Deborah Johns of Granite
Bay, near Folsom, who also is a Blue Star mom. "Stop harassing our military!"
She supports the recruiting station."
Full Story...San Jose Mercury News - Berkeley eases anti-Marines stance:
A Golden Moment
More...Oh, what will this year bring? » A Golden Moment:
Monday, February 11, 2008
Families to receive Gold Star banners
Staff writer
(February 10, 2008) — When a mother loses a child in war, she goes from being a Blue Star Mother to a Gold Star Mother.
Today, more than a dozen families of servicemen and -women with ties to upstate New York, all of whom lost loved ones in Iraq or Afghanistan, will receive Gold Star banners at a ceremony and luncheon in Webster.
Blue Star Mothers of America Inc. is a national organization for mothers who have children serving or who have served in the military. Families with children on active duty can display a service flag, with a blue star at the center, in the window of their home. If the child is killed, a banner with a gold star is hung in its place to mark the sacrifice."
more...Democrat & Chronicle: Local News:
Inaugural Meeting
Nonprofit group to hold inaugural meeting
Blue Star Mothers of America will hold an inaugural meeting of the Grand Strand Chapter at 6 p.m. Feb. 21 at the American Legion Post 186 at 4285 Pine Drive in Little River. Membership is open to any Grand Strand mom with a son or daughter who is serving or has been honorably discharged from any military branch.
The nonprofit organization actively supports the troops and promotes patriotism.
For information, call Anne Parker at 390-5639 or Micki Williams at 215-5055."
MyrtleBeachOnline.com 02/10/2008 In Our Towns:
Minnesota Loses a Treasure

She passed away Friday, February 1st, peacefully surrounded by her family in a nursing home in Aitkin, MN. Four days later, she was laid to rest next to her husband and children at the Pine Grove Cemetery in Palisade, MN. Ironically, she died exactly 32 years after her husband.
At the time of her death, Myrtle was the oldest Gold Star mother in the country.
She lost a son in Iwo Jima, one week before the end of World War II. As tragic
as that was, she was lucky...she had five sons fighting in the war at the time
and a sixth son about to join, but he was held back when his brother was killed.
Now, her great-grandchildren are in the military.. two of whom are expecting to
serve in Iraq."
More...KSTP.com - Minnesota Loses a Treasure (February 7):
Friday, February 8, 2008
Farmington Blue Star Mothers 2 - San Juan County
Farmington Blue Star Mothers 2 - San Juan County
Tuesday, February 19th
(San Juan County)
Farmington Blue Star Mothers 2
7 pm @ VFW Hall, Farmington
On the 3rd Tuesday of every month, the Blue Star Mothers gather again. Consider joining with them to get boxes out to our troops. The meeting is held at the VFW Hall on Bloomfield Hwy. Contact: www.nmbluestarmothers.org"
Blue Star Mothers of America, Arizona Chapter: NEW MEETINGS!!!
We are a non-profit (501[c]3) service organization supporting each other and our children while promoting patriotism."
As we begin a new year, I have been pondering on what we can do to meet the needs of Blue Star Mothers. After speaking to some mothers who are no longer attending our meetings, it has come to my attention that we are not meeting the emotional needs of many of our mothers. I realize that we are all working full time jobs, we have family responsibilities, and quite frankly no one wants to sit through another fundraising meeting time after time after time.
More...Blue Star Mothers of America, Arizona Chapter: NEW MEETINGS!!!:
CFP: Berkeley Mayor stars in CodePink video bragging about working against Marines
“CODEPINK ALERT!” That’s what troop-loving Americans are saying."
The ripple of the mayor and his band of merry councillors was felt at Move
America Forward, down at the American Legion, among the Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW), Soldiers Angels, in the nest of the Gathering of Eagles and Eagles Up, in
the hearts of Blue Star Mothers of America, and over at Free Republic, at the
Layfayette Flag Brigade, and at Operation: Care and Comfort (San Jose), and
Families United.On Tuesday, Move America Forward will also be delivering petitions signed by Americans from across this nation calling on the Berkeley City Council to rescind the recently passed anti-military resolutions. The signatures have been collected online through a combined effort of pro-troop and pro-veteran organizations. For more information about the February 12th pro-troop protest against the Berkeley City Council, contact Mary Pearson at Move America Forward at Mary@MoveAmericaForward.org
More...CFP: Berkeley Mayor stars in CodePink video bragging about working against Marines:
Gold Star Parents
"My intention in writing this article is to share a recent experience with you that was like no other I’ve ever known. Several months ago I was invited to participate as a counselor at the annual Gold Star Parents conference in San Francisco, January 31 to February 1. The venue was the Marines Memorial Club, an historic twelve-story building in the “City by the Bay.”
Gold Star Parents are those who have had a family member killed while serving in the military during times of war. This gathering was for California Gold Star Parents, hosted by the California Blue Star Moms. The Blue Star Moms are those who have a family member currently serving in the military.
The history of Blue and Gold Star Parents originated in the United States during World War I."
More...ROOTS PRESSURE: Gold Star Parents
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Blue Star Mothers chapter to shine again

LAKE ELSINORE - Marlene Paltza was working the phones on a recent Friday afternoon.
The administrative assistant in the Lake Elsinore city manager's office was setting up a meeting of area mothers who have family members serving in the armed forces.
When it happens later this year, the meeting will mark the rebirth of the Lake Elsinore chapter of the Blue Star Mothers, a support organization for military families founded in Flint, Mich., during World War II."
Supporting troops from a military mother's perspective -- dailypress.com
After 22 years in the Army, her husband, Sgt. 1st Class Ed Correa, hung up his uniform and retired.
That alone was a lot to swallow, she said. Soldiers spend their careers completely immersed in the military culture, part of something they believe is greater than themselves and swearing to do whatever dangerous mission that's ordered."
More...Supporting troops from a military mother's perspective -- dailypress.com:
Blue Star Mothers need more supplies
Kathy Parker
Managing Editor
Mayes County Blue Star Mothers need more supplies.
Last weekend the group assembled Valentine boxes to send to Mayes County troops serving in Iraq.
“We used everything,” Pam Buffington said. Already looking toward Easter boxes, the Blue Star mothers need more items to send soldiers a slice of home.
Buffington said the group wants to send packages to all Mayes County soldiers serving in the war.
“We want to know who Mayes County has in Iraq,” Buffington said. Parents are welcome to join Blue Star Mothers, but if they don’t Buffington urges families to send their soldiers names and addresses so they can get care packages, too. For information, to identify a soldier serving in the war, or to join Blue Star Mothers contact Buffington at 825-1083 or e-mail her at buffingtonpam@hotmail.com.
In addition to food items, Buffington said soldiers love CDs, movies and books."
More...Pryor Daily Times - Blue Star Mothers need more supplies:
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Burial Service for Slain Pregnant Marine

By JAMES HANNAH (Associated Press Writer)
VANDALIA, Ohio - Family and friends wept and prayed Saturday at a funeral Mass for a pregnant Marine found slain in North Carolina.
The service for Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach drew hundreds of mourners to St. Christopher Catholic Church near Dayton.
Four uniformed marines wheeled Lauterbach's coffin down the aisle to the strains of 'Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory.' A small silver casket bearing Lauterbach's unborn child, who she had named Gabriel, was placed next to it."
More...Qwest.Live.com News: