Friday, February 8, 2008

CFP: Berkeley Mayor stars in CodePink video bragging about working against Marines

"What do you say about a city mayor who gets himself on the Drudge Report with an apology after publicly insulting America’s courageous troops? A mayor who, in the dank dark world of left wing politics is, front and center on the CodePink website, shamefully actively participating in their protest of the Marine Recruiting Centre?
“CODEPINK ALERT!” That’s what troop-loving Americans are saying."

The ripple of the mayor and his band of merry councillors was felt at Move
America Forward, down at the American Legion, among the Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW), Soldiers Angels, in the nest of the Gathering of Eagles and Eagles Up, in
the hearts of Blue Star Mothers of America, and over at Free Republic, at the
Layfayette Flag Brigade, and at Operation: Care and Comfort (San Jose), and
Families United.

On Tuesday, Move America Forward will also be delivering petitions signed by Americans from across this nation calling on the Berkeley City Council to rescind the recently passed anti-military resolutions. The signatures have been collected online through a combined effort of pro-troop and pro-veteran organizations. For more information about the February 12th pro-troop protest against the Berkeley City Council, contact Mary Pearson at Move America Forward at

More...CFP: Berkeley Mayor stars in CodePink video bragging about working against Marines:

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