Saturday, August 16, 2008

A mother's duty

A mother's duty Lancaster Eagle Gazette: "Stella LeFever almost never goes a day without wearing a picture of her son.

Her son, James Mosley, 22, is fighting in Baghdad.

Although other relatives have served overseas, her son's departure hit home.
"It was different when it was my son," LeFever said.
That is why LeFever decided to start "Fill The Truck," a donation drive to collect goods to send to the soldiers.
For the Troops Chapter 10 Blue Star Mothers, of which LeFever is vice president, is sponsoring the event. The organization sponsors several donation drives - always to benefit the soldiers -a year.
The "Fill the Truck" drive began June 1. It ends July 4. There are four drop-off locations, including Tiki Lanes and Bob Boyd Ford."

John and Kay Helm have donated several items, mainly magazines they already have read.
"I thought that is a great way to recycle the magazines," Kay Helm said. "And hopefully after they read them, they will recycle them too."
Blue Star Mothers is collecting everything from Beef jerky, AA batteries and protein bars to playing cards and video games.
LeFever recommends donating used items that people may not need anymore.
"It's just simple things, a DVD that you've seen a couple times or a book you've read," she said. "It just makes them so happy."

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