: "SALEM - The Blue Star Mothers of Southern New Jersey presented to freeholders here recently a $500 check for improvements to the Salem County Veterans Cemetery.
Along with the generous donation, the group gave county leaders a Hero Candle to symbolize the light of hope which remains lit until all deployed troops return home safely."
Blue Star Mothers present $500 check - NJ.com
News and clips about Blue Star Mothers across the Nation and of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Mom of a Daughter Soldier: March 23th, 2009 in Washington DC
"Natalie was selected from her Wing, to accompany the Colonel and Chief to Washington DC."
A Mom of a Daughter Soldier: March 23th, 2009 in Washington DC:
A Mom of a Daughter Soldier: March 23th, 2009 in Washington DC:
Local kids enjoy breakfast with the Bunny

"GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. — Clock Court at Mesa Mall was hoppin’ Saturday as children of active military personnel were treated to some bunny fun to celebrate the arrival of the Easter Bunny at the shopping center.
Mesa Mall partnered with Blue Star Mothers Association to host a special Bunny Breakfast event for the children, and approximately 40 attended."
Local kids enjoy breakfast with the Bunny Saturday GJFreePress.com:
Mesa Mall partnered with Blue Star Mothers Association to host a special Bunny Breakfast event for the children, and approximately 40 attended."
Local kids enjoy breakfast with the Bunny Saturday GJFreePress.com:
Sunday, March 29, 2009
NM Easter gifts headed to soldiers
"ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) - Easter goodies are on the way to troops overseas, thanks to the Blue Star Mothers.
The group put together over 200 care packages Saturday for the military men and women stationed all over the world.
The Jimenez family alone collected over 2,700 donations.
'It was very, very thrilling. I got chocked up when they backed into my driveway to drop everything off,' Blue Star Mothers Volunteer Kelley Way said.
Before their daughter was deployed to Iraq, the family threw her a going away party and asked guests to bring donations for troops."
NM Easter gifts headed to soldiers:
The group put together over 200 care packages Saturday for the military men and women stationed all over the world.
The Jimenez family alone collected over 2,700 donations.
'It was very, very thrilling. I got chocked up when they backed into my driveway to drop everything off,' Blue Star Mothers Volunteer Kelley Way said.
Before their daughter was deployed to Iraq, the family threw her a going away party and asked guests to bring donations for troops."
NM Easter gifts headed to soldiers:
Intelligence soldiers train with state-of-the-art data
"Intelligence soldiers of the state Army National Guard's 42nd Infantry Division are sharpening their wartime skills at the Joint Intelligence Combat Training Center at Fort Huachuca, Ariz."
Disabled vets to ski
Five disabled veterans from the Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Albany will be skiing the Snowpass Village slopes in Colorado.
Blue Jean Ball
The Capital Region Chapter 2 of Blue Star Mothers will sponsor its Blue Jean Ball on Saturday, April 4, at the Zaloga American Legion Post at 4 Everett Road, Colonie.
Intelligence soldiers train with state-of-the-art data -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:
Disabled vets to ski
Five disabled veterans from the Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Albany will be skiing the Snowpass Village slopes in Colorado.
Blue Jean Ball
The Capital Region Chapter 2 of Blue Star Mothers will sponsor its Blue Jean Ball on Saturday, April 4, at the Zaloga American Legion Post at 4 Everett Road, Colonie.
Intelligence soldiers train with state-of-the-art data -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Blue Star Mothers introduce chapter
"The first meeting of the newly formed Colorado Springs chapter of Blue Star Mothers will be held 2 p.m. April 5 at the Panera Bread on Powers Boulevard.
The group, which dates nationally back to 1942, 'provides support for active duty service personnel, promotes patriotism, assists Veterans organizations, and (is) available to assist in homeland volunteer efforts to help our country remain strong.'
Only mothers of active- duty military personnel or of honorably discharged veterans can hold office in the group, but everyone is welcome to attend meetings."
Blue Star Mothers introduce chapter mothers, star, blue - Metro - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO:
The group, which dates nationally back to 1942, 'provides support for active duty service personnel, promotes patriotism, assists Veterans organizations, and (is) available to assist in homeland volunteer efforts to help our country remain strong.'
Only mothers of active- duty military personnel or of honorably discharged veterans can hold office in the group, but everyone is welcome to attend meetings."
Blue Star Mothers introduce chapter mothers, star, blue - Metro - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO:
Friday, March 27, 2009
Vermont Woman Looks to Begin Blue Star Mothers of America Chapter

"An Eden, Vermont woman is looking to start the first Blue Star Mothers of America Chapter in the Green Mountain State. It's a support group for families with a loved one serving in the military.
'We joined the Army on February 19, 2008,' Cindy Barrows said.
Barrow looks back on that day saying it's the proudest she has ever been as a mother."
More... Fox 44 - Burlington and Plattsburgh News, Weather and Sports - Fox44.net Vermont Woman Looks to Begin Blue Star Mothers of America Chapter:
'We joined the Army on February 19, 2008,' Cindy Barrows said.
Barrow looks back on that day saying it's the proudest she has ever been as a mother."
More... Fox 44 - Burlington and Plattsburgh News, Weather and Sports - Fox44.net Vermont Woman Looks to Begin Blue Star Mothers of America Chapter:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"Good morning everyone.
JUst wanted to ask you all to pray for my nephew. He left this morning to Iraq.
He said he was scared but very excited. He is the youngest one in our family that is out there. HE just turned 18
My brother (his dad) was there as well so they are really excited and both are really proud of each other.
I was very suprised that when I talked to my sister in law she was taking it very well. My mom on the other hand was not. HE is the first grandson for her so he is spoiled by her more.
SO please pray for him and his safe return back home- He won't be back for 8 months."
JUst wanted to ask you all to pray for my nephew. He left this morning to Iraq.
He said he was scared but very excited. He is the youngest one in our family that is out there. HE just turned 18
My brother (his dad) was there as well so they are really excited and both are really proud of each other.
I was very suprised that when I talked to my sister in law she was taking it very well. My mom on the other hand was not. HE is the first grandson for her so he is spoiled by her more.
SO please pray for him and his safe return back home- He won't be back for 8 months."
Friday, March 20, 2009
Blue Star Moms group says farewell to president

"For one group of Americans, the fact that we are at war is ever forefront in their minds. They are the parents and family members of young people serving in the military."
On March 9, the local group gathered at Francisco's Restaurante y Cantina to say farewell to President Diane Ridings, who, with her husband, Tom, is moving to Texas.
In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson approved, upon the suggestion of the Women's Committee of the Council of National Defense, that mother's who had lost a child in the military could wear a gold star on her black armband of mourning. Nowadays, mothers who lose a child may cover the blue star with a gold one.
Locally, new President Cindy Bernard and Vice President Jill Coddington will carry on. Blue Star Moms is a nonprofit and welcomes new members.
Call Bernard at 799-1021 or Coddington at 259-1813 or 903-9704 to learn more.
More...Durango Herald News, Blue Star Moms group says farewell to president:
On March 9, the local group gathered at Francisco's Restaurante y Cantina to say farewell to President Diane Ridings, who, with her husband, Tom, is moving to Texas.
In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson approved, upon the suggestion of the Women's Committee of the Council of National Defense, that mother's who had lost a child in the military could wear a gold star on her black armband of mourning. Nowadays, mothers who lose a child may cover the blue star with a gold one.
Locally, new President Cindy Bernard and Vice President Jill Coddington will carry on. Blue Star Moms is a nonprofit and welcomes new members.
Call Bernard at 799-1021 or Coddington at 259-1813 or 903-9704 to learn more.
More...Durango Herald News, Blue Star Moms group says farewell to president:
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Blue Star Mothers to collect old cell phones
"CENTERVILLE — Blue Star Mothers of America, Miami Valley Chapter 3, is collecting old cell phones to be exchanged for pre-paid phone cards for the troops.
The group collected more than 2,000 unwanted cell phones in 2008 and received 2,000 phone cards in return, said Beverly Peyton, past president."
The organization collects cell phones, sells them to a recycler and then uses the money to purchase phone cards that are sent to soldiers in the Middle East.
Blue Star Mothers to collect old cell phones:
The group collected more than 2,000 unwanted cell phones in 2008 and received 2,000 phone cards in return, said Beverly Peyton, past president."
The organization collects cell phones, sells them to a recycler and then uses the money to purchase phone cards that are sent to soldiers in the Middle East.
Blue Star Mothers to collect old cell phones:
Friday, March 13, 2009
Backup for Military Families
"Looking to ease the burden on military service members and their families, dozens of local officials and community leaders have come together to create the Yellow Ribbon Network of Washington County.
Group members said they hope to facilitate the work of others by connecting local military families with those who would like to help them and by fostering more collaboration among a wide range of supporting organizations.
'We're looking to bring it all together, so there's a common, locally focused support network, instead of all these disparate resources scattered all over the place,' said Oak Park Heights Councilwoman Mary McComber, one of the group's founding members who is also active in the Blue Star Mothers military support group."
Stillwater Gazette - News:
Group members said they hope to facilitate the work of others by connecting local military families with those who would like to help them and by fostering more collaboration among a wide range of supporting organizations.
'We're looking to bring it all together, so there's a common, locally focused support network, instead of all these disparate resources scattered all over the place,' said Oak Park Heights Councilwoman Mary McComber, one of the group's founding members who is also active in the Blue Star Mothers military support group."
Stillwater Gazette - News:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Snapshots tell story of fallen soldier’s life

"Each of the more than 100 snapshots neatly laid out on the floor of Sally Wiley’s study prompted a story about her son, Staff Sgt. Sean Diamond.
“Sean loved flying,” Wiley said. “This is his son, Taylor, who is now 13, watching a plane.”
Wiley went through the photos in preparation for the March 17 memorial service for Diamond, who was killed Feb. 15 in Iraq by an improvised explosive device."
What people here know about Diamond they learned through his mother, who has been enthusiastic in her support of the troops, and active in the Blue Star Moms, to support the mothers of those who are serving overseas.
Snapshots tell story of fallen soldier’s life RecordCourier.com:
“Sean loved flying,” Wiley said. “This is his son, Taylor, who is now 13, watching a plane.”
Wiley went through the photos in preparation for the March 17 memorial service for Diamond, who was killed Feb. 15 in Iraq by an improvised explosive device."
What people here know about Diamond they learned through his mother, who
has been enthusiastic in her support of the troops, and active in the Blue Star
Moms, to support the mothers of those who are serving overseas.
What people here know about Diamond they learned through his mother, who has been enthusiastic in her support of the troops, and active in the Blue Star Moms, to support the mothers of those who are serving overseas.
Snapshots tell story of fallen soldier’s life RecordCourier.com:
Monday, March 9, 2009
Support for Troops
"I would like to say a huge thank you to IJ reporter Brent Ainsworth for reporting on the programs and people in Marin that support our military and their families. I am starting a new chapter of the Blue Star Moms in Marin. Brent recently wrote an article on my efforts."
- "I just wanted to say thank you for starting something as important as this.
"I have spare time that I would love to devote to supporting our troops.
"Please let me know how I can help and bless you for doing this."
- "I was very excited to read about the start of a Blue Star Moms chapter in Marin County. It is certainly about time.
"I am very interested in helping and doing my part in supporting our sons and daughters in the military."
- "I am very happy that there is going to be a Blue Star Moms group.
"Congratulations, please count my wife and I as supporters."
"It is terrific that you will have a program here in Marin.
"We have great respect and appreciation for the families who sacrifice so much for all of us."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a national organization. There are many chapters around the Bay Area.
People are wrong if they think that Marin County is not interested in this type of program. This is only a small sample of the responses I am still getting daily.
Again, thank you Brent from our troops, their families and their supporters.
Barbara Travis, President, BLUE STAR MOMS OF MARIN
Saturday Readers' Forum - Marin Independent Journal:
- "I just wanted to say thank you for starting something as important as this.
"I have spare time that I would love to devote to supporting our troops.
"Please let me know how I can help and bless you for doing this."
- "I was very excited to read about the start of a Blue Star Moms chapter in Marin County. It is certainly about time.
"I am very interested in helping and doing my part in supporting our sons and daughters in the military."
- "I am very happy that there is going to be a Blue Star Moms group.
"Congratulations, please count my wife and I as supporters."
"It is terrific that you will have a program here in Marin.
"We have great respect and appreciation for the families who sacrifice so much for all of us."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a national organization. There are many chapters around the Bay Area.
People are wrong if they think that Marin County is not interested in this type of program. This is only a small sample of the responses I am still getting daily.
Again, thank you Brent from our troops, their families and their supporters.
Barbara Travis, President, BLUE STAR MOMS OF MARIN
Saturday Readers' Forum - Marin Independent Journal:
Airman Mom: Instant Friends
"As I have stated many times, attending an Operation Welcome Home event is always no less than amazing! To be in the presence of our heroes and shake their hands is an honor."
Friday night, while waiting for the plane to touch down; I wandered over to a group of ladies who were wearing Blue Star tee shirts. Oh my goodness, this is my Maryland Chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America! I recently transferred to this chapter, after the folding of the virtual chapter. This was so cool! Six brand new Instant Friends! By the end of the OWH event, we had shared laughs, tears and hugs. We are proud Blue Star Mothers, there to support each other
Friday night, while waiting for the plane to touch down; I wandered over to a group of ladies who were wearing Blue Star tee shirts. Oh my goodness, this is my Maryland Chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America! I recently transferred to this chapter, after the folding of the virtual chapter. This was so cool! Six brand new Instant Friends! By the end of the OWH event, we had shared laughs, tears and hugs. We are proud Blue Star Mothers, there to support each other
."Each and every one of these moms, understand me and I understand them. We
havea child (or children) in the military. Our children who not so long ago were
inour arms, are now holding an M-16. Our children not so long ago, walked
intotheir first day of school; they now have been through Basic and Tech
Schools.Our children who not so long ago were ours to hold tightly during a
thunderstorm or bad dream, are now protecting our nation. Our children who at
anymoment we would lay our life down for, will now place themselves in harm's
wayfor our country.
We are still their moms."
Airman Mom: Instant Friends:
Airman Mom: Instant Friends:
"Brothers At War" Is A Must See
"Friends of 'Brothers At War,'
Six hundred years ago, a young man stood in front of his soldiers who were outnumbered 5 to 1. They were wet, tired, some may have felt fear, others resolution. According to Shakespeare, King Henry V before the battle of Agincourt urged his men to look towards the day when their deeds would become the stuff of legend. That above all in this world he coveted honor and that he was happy so few were there for the challenge.
'We happy few, we band of brothers. For he that sheds his blood with me today will be my brother.' They took the field and against all odds, were victorious.
Some of their descendents were probably shivering and cold when an older warrior, tall and silver haired, stood before them and urged them to stick it out with him. That eventually they would overcome this winter in Valley Forge, that a bright future lay before them if they could overcome the many obstacles before them."
The Jawa Report: Inbox: "Brothers At War" Is A Must See:
Six hundred years ago, a young man stood in front of his soldiers who were outnumbered 5 to 1. They were wet, tired, some may have felt fear, others resolution. According to Shakespeare, King Henry V before the battle of Agincourt urged his men to look towards the day when their deeds would become the stuff of legend. That above all in this world he coveted honor and that he was happy so few were there for the challenge.
'We happy few, we band of brothers. For he that sheds his blood with me today will be my brother.' They took the field and against all odds, were victorious.
Some of their descendents were probably shivering and cold when an older warrior, tall and silver haired, stood before them and urged them to stick it out with him. That eventually they would overcome this winter in Valley Forge, that a bright future lay before them if they could overcome the many obstacles before them."
In Monterey, 25 Blue Star Moms are driving 90 miles to celebrate the
opening of the film together.
The Jawa Report: Inbox: "Brothers At War" Is A Must See:
March for the Troops

"In March, Keller Williams Realty Northeast’s free monthly concert at Kings Harbor will recognize local military men and women serving overseas. Keller Williams in conjunction with the Houston chapter of the Blue Star Moms will collect new, adult-size socks for the troops at the concert on Friday, March 20 from 7-10 p.m.In March, Keller Williams Realty Northeast’s free monthly concert at Kings Harbor will recognize local military men and women serving overseas. Keller Williams in conjunction with the Houston chapter of the Blue Star Moms will collect new, adult-size socks for the troops at the concert on Friday, March 20 from 7-10 p.m."
Kingwood Now - Kingwood Texas:
Kingwood Now - Kingwood Texas:
Friday, March 6, 2009
Group pays tribute to fallen Marine Phelps, minus HBO film
"Kevin and Deb Smith got the bad news Saturday morning — that a local brew pub that evening would not be showing the premier of an HBO film about Chance Phelps, a Palisade High School graduate and Marine killed in Iraq in 2004."
Trademark and copyright laws prevented Smugglers from playing the movie. Still, roughly 60 people showed up to swap stories and pay tribute to Phelps. The restaurant offered them a free drink and appetizer.
The group included the Smiths, whose son, Josh, graduated from Central High School last May and joined the Marines, becoming the fourth generation of his family to enlist in the military. Kevin Smith served off and on in the Army for 22 years.
Group pays tribute to fallen Marine Phelps, minus HBO film:
Trademark and copyright laws prevented Smugglers from playing the movie. Still, roughly 60 people showed up to swap stories and pay tribute to Phelps. The restaurant offered them a free drink and appetizer.
The group included the Smiths, whose son, Josh, graduated from Central High School last May and joined the Marines, becoming the fourth generation of his family to enlist in the military. Kevin Smith served off and on in the Army for 22 years.
Group pays tribute to fallen Marine Phelps, minus HBO film:
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Support Our Troops by Giving What You Can of What They Request for Others
"Mid-schoolers collected stuffed toys and donated them to the Rio Grande Valley Chapter of Blue Star Mothers, who in turn shipped them to a New Mexico Guardsman serving in Afghanistan. The Guardsman thanked us all then asked the moms if we also had any soccer balls we could send. The Guardsman knew that kids all over the world love to play soccer. The children he saw in Afghanistan had nothing to play with."
Linda Jewell Blog Spot: Support Our Troops by Giving What You Can of What They Request for Others:
Linda Jewell Blog Spot: Support Our Troops by Giving What You Can of What They Request for Others:
Support Our Troops by Giving What You Can of What They Request for Others
"Mid-schoolers collected stuffed toys and donated them to the Rio Grande Valley Chapter of Blue Star Mothers, who in turn shipped them to a New Mexico Guardsman serving in Afghanistan. The Guardsman thanked us all then asked the moms if we also had any soccer balls we could send. The Guardsman knew that kids all over the world love to play soccer. The children he saw in Afghanistan had nothing to play with."
Linda Jewell Blog Spot: Support Our Troops by Giving What You Can of What They Request for Others:
Linda Jewell Blog Spot: Support Our Troops by Giving What You Can of What They Request for Others:
Blue star group sends troops gifts of warmth - The Connecticut Post Online

"Blue Star Mothers and friends gathered recently for a blanket-making party for soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The fleece blankets are warm and soft, and serve as a welcome covering on the cold nights soldiers are away."
Blue star group sends troops gifts of warmth - The Connecticut Post Online:
Blue star group sends troops gifts of warmth - The Connecticut Post Online:
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