Monday, December 1, 2008

Gold Star Mothers awarded

"Sgt. Leonard Simmons. Spc. Daniel Desens. Staff Sgt. Christopher Rouland.
The families of these three men - each of whom was killed while serving the country - were honored by the Blue Star Mothers of North Carolina Sunday.
The Blue Star Mothers, who have children who are or have served in the U.S. military, give the mothers who lost their child in war a banner with a gold star 'out of respect,' Chapter president Deborah Gallaway explained."


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Special homecoming planned in Genesee County

"Special homecoming planned in Genesee County by Blue Star Mothers for National Guard soldiers' return from Iraq
by RoNeisha Mullen The Flint Journal
Monday November 24, 2008, 12:11 AM
FLINT, Michigan -- For almost a year, they've been stationed in a place that's nothing like home, without any family and only the friends they've made along the way."

Special homecoming planned in Genesee County by Blue Star Mothers for National Guard soldiers' return from Iraq - The Flint Journal Online News - Michigan Newspaper -

Tennessee: Military mothers forming support group

"As she sorts through the many emotions surrounding her 22-year-old son’s upcoming deployment to Iraq, Janis Dearman knows she’s not alone.
But the strong support network she’s developed through church and family somehow still isn’t enough when it comes to her youngest child’s first tour of duty, she says.
“I want to have an association with other mothers who are going through the same thing I am,” said Mrs. Dearman, of East Brainerd. “There’s this combination of pride and patriotism and fear about the potential harm. It’s not political. It’s not partisan. There are just so many things involved, and it helps to have the support and encouragement of people who understand.”"

Chattanooga Times Free Press Tennessee: Military mothers forming support group:

In honor of Blue Star mothers on Veterans Day

"I had not put a lot of thought into what to post on Veterans day until yesterday when I noticed this blue star flag hanging in a condo window on Main Street. It is my understanding that the Blue Star Mother’s of America fly this or similar banners when their children are serving in a war … My Grandmother had this blue star banner in her window while my father served in World War II."

Greenville Daily Photo - living downtown » In honor of Blue Star mothers on Veterans Day:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Veterans honoring veterans – ‘Roger that’

"Spike Schau – a 49-year-old veteran – is re-enlisting in the Navy (which has a maximum re-enlistment age of 50). Schau had a three-year gap in service and has five years to go to retirement. To be in the armed forces has an emotional appeal for him, but perhaps what runs deeper is riding his Harley with the Patriot Guard Riders."

He received photos, folded flags, a golden spike, jokes, jibes, love, hugs, plaques, a prayer (“Dear God, please bring Spike safely home”) and a “Go Navy, Baby” T-shirt with the requisite, curvy and jutting scantily clad damsel at a ship’s helm. Shy shining Heidi, Spike’s pre-teen daughter, wrote a piece read by his fiancée. Heidi enjoyed playing dominoes with him, although he always won and playing UNO and he would always say “Darn” when picking up the cards.
Tami Jenkins from Delta Blue Star Moms hugged Spike. “You always cry,” said Spike. “And then you make the bikers cry.”

Brentwood Press:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Group puts wreaths on veterans' graves

"Group puts wreaths on
veterans' graves
Created On: Friday, 21 Nov 2008, 8:53 AM MST
ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) - Wreaths Across America next month will be placing Christmas wreaths on every veteran's grave at national cemeteries across the country. Jim Grant with the New Mexico chapter of the Patriot Guard Riders talks about the program and how you can help."

Group puts wreaths on veterans' graves:

BSM Light of Love Tree

"Light of Love Tree
Kershaw Park Gazebo, Canandaigua NY
November 30, 2008 to December 31, 2008

In honor of those who are still serving our country and for those who have been injured trying to preserve our American way of life for our veterans and in memory of those who gave their lives for our freedom...

The City of Canandaigua will place a tree in the gazebo of Kershaw Park and the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. NY Chapter #1 will place Blue, Gold and Silver Stars on the Tree. Small pictures of past and present servicemen and women will be placed in the center of each star. Branch insignia's will be in place of photo if no picture is sent. The lights will be Red,White and Blue and turn on at dusk and off at dawn.

Light of Love Star Colors:
Blue represents any service member, active, reserve, or guard.
Silver represents a service member wounded in the line of duty.
Gold represents a service member that has lost their life in the line of duty.
Black represents a service member that is listed as missing in action or prisoner of war."

Soldiers Angels New York: BSM Light of Love Tree:

Honoring our Veterans

"Veterans Day is a chance to honor the men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. And this year is especially significant, when you consider this Tuesday marks 80 yaers since the signing of the armistice that ended hostilities between Germany and the Allied Nations at the end of World War I."

New Mexico In Focus: Episode 220 - Honoring our Veterans:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blue Star Mothers Celebrate

Blue Star Mothers Celebrate - Local News - News : Grand Junction, Colorado: "Over a dozen women pledged their allegiance to veterans tonight. The Blue Star Mothers of the Grand Valley celebrated their 1 year anniversary and honored missing soldiers. The Grand Valley Chapter now has over 30 members. These 30 members all share the experience of having children in combat. The group has been serving America's troops since 1942..."

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stand Down feeds and clothes homeless veterans

"GRAND JUNCTION (KJCT)- 30% of the homeless in the Grand Valley are military veterans. Once a year the Homeless Veterans Stand-Down brings together homeless veterans on the Western Slope... providing them with food, and clothes. But most importantly, these veterans are thanked for serving our country."

The Grand Junction V.A. Hospital, Catholic Outreach and Blue Star Mothers
were just some of the groups that come together to promote awareness of
homelessness in our community. - Grand Junction, Montrose - Weather, News, Sports Stand Down feeds and clothes homeless veterans:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

An Internet Lifeline for Troops in Iraq and Loved Ones at Home

"With mortar shells exploding near him sometimes twice a day in Ramadi, Iraq, Sgt. Mark Grelak found a way to shut out the heat, the noise, and all the demands of his job — sweeping the local highway for bombs left by insurgents. In a tiny space in his barracks, he would flip open his laptop, adjust his Web camera and watch his daughter Katie take her first halting steps."
Specialist Kevin Groll, of the Michigan National Guard, took a virtual seat
at the Thanksgiving Day children's table last year, a Groll family tradition.
The family Web camera was positioned right next to the children's table. "Boy,
you did it again," Specialist Groll joked with his mother, Vicki Groll. "I'm not
even near the kiddies, and I still had to sit at the table. The kids just loved

An Internet Lifeline for Troops in Iraq and Loved Ones at Home - New York Times:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

McNerney plans veterans assistance workshop Saturday

Pleasanton Weekly : McNerney plans veterans assistance workshop Saturday: "Congressman Jerry McNerney (D-Pleasanton) will hold a Veterans Assistance Workshop from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at the Veterans Memorial Building in downtown Pleasanton.
The workshop, to be held in collaboration with Pleasanton's Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 6298, will feature service providers who can aid local veterans in filing Veterans Administration claims and obtaining or replacing service medals. Information regarding employment and educational opportunities will also be available
Service providers scheduled to be at the meeting will represent the VA's Oakland Regional Office, Alameda and Contra Costa County Veteran Services Offices , Las Positas College Veterans Program, Cal State East Bay Veterans Assistance Program, Palo Alto Health Care System, Blue Star Moms, East Bay Chapter No. 10, Alameda County Workforce Investment Board and the Swords to Ploughshares organization."

Danville Weekly Online Calendar - Listings

"Blue Star Moms California
Blue Star Moms is a support group for families of members of the U.S. Armed Forces. It meets at 7 p.m., the second Wednesday of the month, at the Danville Veterans Hall, 400 Hartz Ave. Call Peggy at 866-7035 or Patty at 838-9096 or visit"
Danville Weekly Online Calendar - Listings:

War On Terror News: Blue Star Riders

"The Blue Star Riders (BSR) have members in California and Utah. Moms and Dads who have chosen to band together in support of our wounded servicemembers. These same parents have one other thing in common; they have a deployed son overseas, or one who has recently returned home.
The purpose of this group is to offer support by physically going to VA hospitals and visiting the wounded and to also bring them donated items for their use. These visits mainly occur on weekends, but that is not to say they won’t spend time during the week to stop by for a visit."

War On Terror News: Blue Star Riders:

Charity golf tournament to benefit soldiers

"Oklahoma Chapter 3 of the Blue Star Mothers will be hosting a charity golf tournament Sept. 8 at the Muskogee Country Club.

They are currently looking for corporate sponsors for teams and T-box advertisements. Corporations may sponsor a team of four players for $400, a T-Box ad for $150 or they may choose to sponsor only one person for $100.", Muskogee, OK - <font color=green>AM UPDATE</font>: Charity golf tournament to benefit soldiers:

Blue Star Dads get in the act aiding troops

"ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) - If there are Blue Star Mothers working to support their children in military service, there must be Blue Star Dads around as well.
The moms have gotten most of the attention packing and sending care packages and post cards to troops fighting in the war. Today it was the dads in an Arby's parking lot in northeast Albuquerque washing cars and raising money for projects supporting the troops overseas.
This is the first time the local Blue Star Dads gathered for a fund raiser.
The dads stood washed cars for about 6 hours today and had already made $300 by the time a KRQE News 13 crew arrived."

KRQE - Albuquerque, New Mexico - News, Video, Weather Forecast, Sports, Community, Health, Homes KBIM - KREZ Blue Star Dads get in the act aiding troops:

Troops still need help from home, Muskogee, OK - Troops still need help from home: "Carolyn Swenson’s son returned from Iraq several months ago, but that hasn’t lessened her passion for volunteering with the Blue Star Mothers.

Swenson is one of about 20 women in Green Country Chapter 12 of Blue Star Mothers. They meet every Saturday at a former convenience store to pack boxes to ship to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The group is raising money and accepting other donations for their project at Arrowhead Mall through today."

Army reservists return home from Iraq duty -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY

Army reservists return home from Iraq duty -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY: "Two Army reservists were among 400 members of the 479th Engineer Battalion who recently returned home after performing dangerous but lifesaving missions for the past year in Iraq."

Blue Star Mothers meet
The Capital Region No. 2 Chapter of Blue Star Mothers will meet at 2 p.m. on July 20 at the Zaloga American Legion Post 1520 at 4 Everett Road Ext. in Colonie. For information, call Kay Moody of Glenmont, chapter president, 439-5784 or or check http://www.capitalregion
News of your soldiers and units can be sent to Duty Calls, Terry Brown, Times Union, Box 15000, Albany, NY 12212 or by e-mail at

Blaine’s Blazin’ 4th celebrates nation’s heroes

"The sun bowed into the western horizon as Blue Star mothers and Gold Star families carried the flag on to centerfield at Blaine’s National Sports Center. (Photo by Sue Austreng)"

Local patriots spontaneously raised their voices in the night sky as fireworks exploded in sparkling color during Blaine’s Blazin’ 4th fireworks spectacular at the National Sports Center on Independence Day. “O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain ...“For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain! “America! America! God shed his grace on thee ... “And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.”The pyrotechnic salute ignited a patriotic flame in the hearts of revelers Friday evening and provided a climactic finish to Blaine’s 4th of July celebration.“The spirit of patriotism should resound in all our hearts. Let’s hear it for America,” said Blaine’s Blazin’ 4th Committee Chairman Barry Wills.The assembled crowd erupted in cheers and applause as Wills urged them to “always remember our courageous and heroic sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Wish them all Godspeed and a safe return home.”As the setting sun bowed down in the western horizon, Wills called for a moment of silence “as we remember our fallen heroes who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice.”The families of Lance Corp. Scott Modeen, Private 1st Class Nick Partot and Sgt. B.J. Beardsley were recognized and thanked for their greatest sacrifice: the lives of their sons killed in action during the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.VFW State Commander Stan Kowalski, a resident of Blaine and the last World War II-generation VFW state commander in the United States, next took the stage.“Without the American soldier there never would have been a United States of America,” Kowalski said, wearing his fatigues and addressing fellow patriots.

ABC Newspapers - Blaine’s Blazin’ 4th celebrates nation’s heroes:

Memorial Day Revisited, a Fitting Return

Memorial Day Revisited, a Fitting Return by Mary K. Morgan Java Journal Online: "No soldier who sacrificed his life for his country should be forgotten, nor should relics of that service be abandoned by those he served. That’s just why the public was so outraged last year when the news broke that members of the Rollo-Calcaterra American Legion Post, Number 15 discovered a displaced set of WW I bronze memorial discs that that had been relegated to a forgotten storage space in the Soldier’s Memorial building. Originally, the cast bronze tributes to St. Louis soldiers who had lost their lives in WW I proudly lined the median of Kingshighway between Penrose Place and what was then named Easton Avenue. When the street was reconfigured in the 1980s, the monuments were never replaced.

...The Gold Star Mothers originally commissioned the casting of the markers and had them placed in the Kingshighway median as a memorial to their fallen sons. During WW I, all mothers of soldiers displayed “Service” flags with blue stars in the windows of their homes, one for each son in service to his country. Many wore enameled blue star lapel pins. And when one of the mothers lost a son in the war, the blue star was replaced with a gold star, as a symbol of their loss. "

Articles |  Park Rapids Enterprise  | Park Rapids, Minnesota

Articles Park Rapids Enterprise Park Rapids, Minnesota: "Unhappy knitters Small town newspapers - you gotta love ‘em. They try so hard to be fair, but sometimes others are if not hurt, discomforted, because of their attempts. A recent article brings this point to bear. In the Saturday, June 21, 2008 newspaper an article concerning Leonard LaBonte learning to knit so he could create slippers for his fellow veterans made front page.Unhappy knitters Small town newspapers - you gotta love ‘em. They try so hard to be fair, but sometimes others are if not hurt, discomforted, because of their attempts. A recent article brings this point to bear. In the Saturday, June 21, 2008 newspaper an article concerning Leonard LaBonte learning to knit so he could create slippers for his fellow veterans made front page.

This same group has contributed helmet liners to the Blue Star mothers, mittens and hats to local school children, and has been party to several other ..."

Blue Star Hoosier Mothers to recognize heroes

Blue Star Hoosier Mothers to recognize heroes: "The Blue Star Hoosier Mothers wants to know who is your American hero.

At the group's Freedom Festival slated for September, military personnel, police, firefighters and EMTs will be honored in a heroes display. Montgomery County residents are asked to send in pictures of those who should be recognized.

Blue Star Hoosier Mother Shannon Dulin, who is leading the Freedom Festival planning, said the purpose of the display is 'to show our heroes that we appreciate everything they do and plus to remember what happened on Sept. 11.'"

West Pasco happenings

West Pasco happenings - St. Petersburg Times: "Blue Star Mothers: A local chapter of Blue Star Mothers is organizing in the Tampa Bay area. The nonprofit group consists of mothers who have, or have had, children honorably serving in the military. For information call Lauren Frazier at (727) 849-2732 after 6 p.m."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Military Family Day in Grand Junction

"GRAND JUNCTION (KJCT)- For men and women with loved ones in the military, friends with similar experiences help keep them strong.
That's what Military Family Day is all about-- bringing this extended military family together for a good time.
The Colorado National Guard Family Program held an event Sunday with other military groups to thank service members and their families for their sacrifices.
The Grand Valley Blue Star Mothers were decked out in red, white and blue-- with pictures of their military children close by.
"A lot of it is, especially with the deployed families, that they have their loved ones gone and their left out of a lot of things that happen because they're not a complete family unit now while they're home," said Wendy Hoffman of Blue Star Mothers.
"They understand me. I walk in the room, they know exactly what I'm going through. They don't have to ask me how you doing, how does it feel, how's it going with the boys, how is school," said Suzanne Bronson, a wife of a deployed soldier.
Families enjoyed food, games, live music and fun giveaways. But the big hit with most kids was getting a chance to sit in the front seat of a military hummer. " - Grand Junction, Montrose - Weather, News, Sports Military Family Day in Grand Junction:

Military Family Day / 11 News, Grand Junction's News Leader, Eleven Minutes of Non-Stop News, No-Wait Weather, Montrose News

"Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine and Air Force service men and woman celebrated Joint Military Family Day at Canyon View Park.
The families gathered Sunday for face painting, a picnic, music, clowns, and giveaway’s from noon to four. Some that attended the picnic say that the military can be just one big family"
The Colorado National Guard Family Program, the Grand Valley Blue Star Mothers,
Joint Family Support Assistance Program, and Military One Source helped put the
event on.

Video... Military Family Day / 11 News, Grand Junction's News Leader, Eleven Minutes of Non-Stop News, No-Wait Weather, Montrose News:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Coffee in Denver

Palin 'not worried' about latest polls - First Read - "Palin met with Blue Star Moms, a group of women whose sons and daughters are in military service. Palin had previously met with a similar group in Pennsylvania.

The vice presidential candidate will travel Saturday to California for several fundraisers, and hold a rally at the Home Depot Center in Carson. It is a surprising destination for Palin; while the state has 55 electoral votes, it is a traditional Democratic stronghold and there is no expectation that McCain could win there."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rally in Reading, Pennylvania

Rally in Reading, Pennylvania: "There is someone here in this crowd also that knows exactly where I’m coming from and the other Blue Star Moms do also. One of these moms, Nancy Hoffman Hardy (ph), her son Matthew and my son, they’re serving together and in the coming weeks the Hardy’s son David will be deployed to Iraq with the Pennsylvania National Guard. Please join me in thanking Nancy and her family for the sacrifice that they’re making.
Thank you, Nancy."

Support at Oxford "Donna Bagwell and a host of Gold Star and Blue Star families will be on hand to let the world know many people support what American troops are doing for the safety and well-being of every citizen in America.
“We have been invited to set up a table and pass out brochures, just to let those who are fighting for our freedom know that we love them and we care,” Bagwell said."

Vets’ week filling up fast

"By Tonyi Crandell
BDN Staff Writer
Veterans and active-duty military personnel will get the opportunity to see and meet Lt. Col Oliver North this November.

North, one of this nation’s most popular veterans, will highlight Branson’s annual Veterans Homecoming events."

Veterans can look forward to several days of special events such as a World
War II encampment, Showboat Branson Belle Show and Dinner, an opening ceremony,
a Rose Petal ceremony to honor women veterans, a Gold Star, Blue Star Mothers
and Gold Star Wives Luncheon, Korean War Veterans Association reunion, and the
United States 233rd Marine Corps birthday party.
Branson Daily News :: News :: Vets’ week filling up fast:

2nd Annual Quarters for Military Families to be Held in Nazareth, PA

"The 2nd Annual Quarters for Military Families will be held on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 from 1PM - 3:30PM (rain or shine) in Nazareth, PA. It will start from Nazareth's Circle, down Main Street to Prospect Street. Duct tape will be placed down center of South Main Street for individuals to place quarters.

Last year's event collected approximately $8,000 for use by families of deployed military personnel of the Lehigh Valley as needed. The goal for this year is at least $10,000."

Real Estate Blog - 2nd Annual Quarters for Military Families to be Held in Nazareth, PA:

Friday, September 5, 2008

Blue star banners

"Kathy Custer hopes to revive the 90 year old tradition of Blue Star banners.
Blaire Goodnight is proud of her son, Kyle a U.S. Marine.
Kyle is a 2007 graduate from Scappoose High School. He was active in sports, played football, wrestled and played rugby. He also worked at McDonalds and Ichabod’s. But he wanted something more."
Blue star banners:

Friday, August 22, 2008

An American Wedding Story

"Five days ago, two young Marines both serving at 29 Palms Marine Corps Ground Combat Center in California received separate orders to their respective duty stations; One to the west coast at Camp Pendleton, the other to Camp Lejuene on the east coast.
One problem; Matt of Scottish ancestry and a Russian Orthodox Christian, and the Native American Monique were engaged to be married, but had not yet had the time to tie the knot. Even after the two Marines explained their problem to their Commanding Officer, the Marine Corps’ only answer was “We can only change your orders if you were indeed married.”

Date: 16 August 08"

More...Liberty Recon Freelance Digital Photography:

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pro-Troop Demonstration brings Iraq / Afghanistan Vets and Military Families to Denver

Wake up America: Pro-Troop Demonstration brings Iraq / Afghanistan Vets and Military Families to Denver: "Americans from near and far will assemble in Denver, CO to show their support for our troops and their missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. For details and updates:"
Invited participants also include Families United for Our Troops and Their
Mission, a not-for-profit, non partisan organization consisting of Gold and Blue
Star families (whose loved ones have been killed or injured in battle, or who
are still in harm’s way) and Americans who share a deep appreciation for our men
and women in uniform. It is also comprised of patriotic Americans who have a
desire to show their support for America’s heroes and their families.

Victory Signs a Big Hit!

The Eagle's Nest Blog: Victory Signs a Big Hit!: "Yesterday we gave away 1,875 of the initial order of 2,000 'Victory Over Terrorism' signs. Again, I want to thank the Minnesota American Legion, the Minnesota Disabled American Veterans, and all those who volunteered their time and their support in making this initial printing and distribution possible. I would also like to thank Stephano's Restaurant, and the many members of Families United, Minnesota Vets for Freedom and the Minnesota Blue Star Mom's who stopped yesterday to get a sign our two."

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blue Star Mothers to honor soldiers during Fredonia festival

Blue Star Mothers to honor soldiers during Fredonia festival - Observer Today: "After first gaining support from the town of Pomfret board, and later approval from the village of Fredonia, the Blue Star Mothers of Chautauqua County will be honoring soldiers past and present this winter.
The village of Fredonia board approved that the group create and sell various colored stars to be placed on the village of Fredonia Christmas tree in Barker Commons during the tree lighting ceremony as part of the Miracle on Main Street festival."

Stars will be sold for $5 throughout Fredonia and will be colored
specifically for the individual, with blue stars for active duty service
members, gold stars for deceased service members from any war, silver for
disabled veterans, red for veterans of any status and white for anyone who would
want to support the troops. Proceeds of the purchases will go to help fund the
shipping of care packages to current soldiers overseas.

OK - Things to Do, Muskogee, OK - Things to Do - BENEFITS: "GREEN COUNTRY CHAPTER 12 BLUE STAR MOTHERS, regular monthly meeting will be held 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 10, Blue Star Store, 24th Street and Peak Boulevard. Dippin’ Dots will be donation a percentage of their sales of the flavor “Freedom Ice,” for the month of July to the Chapter 12 Blue Star Mothers.

GREEN COUNTRY CHAPTER 12 BLUE STAR MOTHERS, will be taking donations of cash or
items, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 11, 12 and 13, Arrowhead Mall near the food court.
It will be hosting a garage sale 8 a.m. to noon, July 18 and 19, Blue Star drop
pff location on the corner of 24th Street and Peak Boulevard. All proceeds will
go to mailing boxes to out troops in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Bands Of Freedom at First Baptist Broken Arrow OK

Bands Of Freedom at First Baptist Broken Arrow OK :: KXOJ Calendar - Helios Calendar Event Management System: "Join
Dennis and The Blue Star Mothers for a fundraising event benefiting our
troops. The fun filled celebration starts at 3:00 pm with music
featuring various artists starting at 5:00 pm. Cap off the evening
with fireworks celebrating our Nation's birth. For more information go
to Tickets available at Mardels and BlueStar We hope to see you there. Join
Dennis and The Blue Star Mothers for a fundraising event benefiting our
troops. The fun filled celebration starts at 3:00 pm with music
featuring various artists starting at 5:00 pm. Cap off the evening
with fireworks celebrating our Nation's birth. For more information go
to Tickets available at Mardels and BlueStar We hope to see you there."

Cindy's List: Farmington Blue Star Mothers 2 - San Juan County

Cindy's List: Farmington Blue Star Mothers 2 - San Juan County: "7 pm @ VFW Hall, Farmington
On the 3rd Tuesday of every month, the Blue Star Mothers gather again. Consider joining with them to get boxes out to our troops. The meeting is held at the VFW Hall on Bloomfield Hwy. Contact:"

A mother's duty

A mother's duty Lancaster Eagle Gazette: "Stella LeFever almost never goes a day without wearing a picture of her son.

Her son, James Mosley, 22, is fighting in Baghdad.

Although other relatives have served overseas, her son's departure hit home.
"It was different when it was my son," LeFever said.
That is why LeFever decided to start "Fill The Truck," a donation drive to collect goods to send to the soldiers.
For the Troops Chapter 10 Blue Star Mothers, of which LeFever is vice president, is sponsoring the event. The organization sponsors several donation drives - always to benefit the soldiers -a year.
The "Fill the Truck" drive began June 1. It ends July 4. There are four drop-off locations, including Tiki Lanes and Bob Boyd Ford."

John and Kay Helm have donated several items, mainly magazines they already have read.
"I thought that is a great way to recycle the magazines," Kay Helm said. "And hopefully after they read them, they will recycle them too."
Blue Star Mothers is collecting everything from Beef jerky, AA batteries and protein bars to playing cards and video games.
LeFever recommends donating used items that people may not need anymore.
"It's just simple things, a DVD that you've seen a couple times or a book you've read," she said. "It just makes them so happy."

Mulligans make for large donation to Blue Star Mothers

Mulligans make for large donation to Blue Star Mothers "The Western Colorado Contractors Association recently donated $2,340 to the Blue Star Mothers, a local organization that proudly serves the military families of the Grand Valley.

Golfers stepped up to the plate and donated $1,170 from the purchase of mulligans at WCCA’s 2008 Adobe Creek Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 7.

WCCA’s board of directors decided to match the $1,170, bringing the total contribution to the Blue Star Mothers to $2,370!

Thank you, golfers, for your support of Grand Valley Blue Star Mothers!"

Concert, fireworks benefit U.S. troops

Tulsa World: Concert, fireworks benefit U.S. troops: "BROKEN ARROW — The Blue Star Mothers and First Baptist Church of Broken Arrow are teaming up for Bands of Freedom, a benefit concert and fireworks show scheduled for Friday.

Gates open at 3 p.m. on the First Baptist Church of Broken Arrow campus, 100 W. Albany St.

Children's activities will include inflatable games, face painting, balloons and an opportunity to write letters and color pictures for American troops. The letters and pictures will be included in the boxes that sent to deployed troops by the Blue Star Mothers.

The concert starts at 5 p.m. The lineup includes Dennis Jernigan, Wayne Watson, Marty Magehee, CO3 and New Fire.

Fireworks will follow the concert.

Tickets are $10 for ages 13 and older, $2 for ages 3 to 12. Family passes are $25.

Funds raised will go toward Blue Star Mothers' efforts to support the troops."

Broken Arrow: Churches to host Fourth festivities

Tulsa World: Broken Arrow: Churches to host Fourth festivities: "BROKEN ARROW —Two Fourth of July celebrations are slated Sunday at local churches.

Rhema Bible Church, 1025 W. Kenosha St., will host its annual Rockets Over Rhema, with festivities beginning at 4 p.m. The fireworks show, one of the largest displays in the area, begins about 10 p.m.

More than 20,000 people attended last year, organizers said. Highlights include inflatable games, a car show, pony rides, a mechanical bull, a rock climbing wall, face-painting, balloons and temporary tattoos.

Concessions will be available.

Admission is free. For more information, call 258-1588.

Grace Church’s Freedom Festival will begin with family games at 6 p.m. at 9610 S. Garnett Road and end with fireworks that evening. The event benefits the Blue Star Mothers."

Neighbor Newspapers - Call them the PhilherMOMics

Neighbor Newspapers - Call them the PhilherMOMics: "BROKEN ARROW - Members of the Broken Arrow Chapter of the Blue Star Mothers are so excited about their July 4 Bands of Freedom concert, they decided to form a musical group to add to the entertainment"

Blue Star Mothers of America, Arizona Chapter: Yahoooo!

Blue Star Mothers of America, Arizona Chapter: Yahoooo!: "He'll be in Tucson later today! Thanks to all of you, I made it thru his deployment. God Bless all of you!"

AIGA and concerned pet lovers paint for the cause

SolSisters Studio: AIGA and concerned pet lovers paint for the cause: "Volunteers for the event were mostly designers and students but several concerned pet lovers also arrived to help. Canyon Creative arrived in force bearing many gallons of paint that the sanctuary will use to further beautify the building. Julia (educator at IADT) brought in several willing hands including mural artist (Blue Star Mother) Cheré Pedersen who got her contact book out and called all the TV Stations to try to get some coverage for the event as well as doing the majority of the black lining on Sunday. Once the mural was near complete on Sunday, Laura Zollar pitched in to add some finishing touches while volunteers vaccumed and cleaned, leaving the building in wonderful shape."

Kilgore is named Coweta Citizen of the Year

Neighbor Newspapers - Kilgore is named Coweta Citizen of the Year:
"On Saturday, June 7 during the organization's annual awards banquet - Presenting the award to Rolling Thunder member Don Jackson was Sandy Drywater with the Coweta Chapter of Blue Star Mothers."

Veterans Memorial Wall replica in Shakopee

Veterans Memorial Wall replica in Shakopee Chaska Herald: "The Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV) a non-profit social services agency assisting veterans and their families statewide is hosting the American Veterans Traveling Tribute (The Wall) at Canterbury Park from June 19 to 22nd to draw awareness to veterans issue and the organization itself.
The American Veterans Traveling Tribute (AVTT) is a 383-foot replica of the Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. The AVTT is the largest traveling tribute in the U.S.; it includes a WWII and Korean War Tribute, a Traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, and Tributes to 9/11, Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom."

The Wall goes up for reception and daily events beginning Thursday, June
19th at 12:00 p.m. We’ll feature a special tribute to POWs and Gold and Blue
Star Moms on Thursday evening at 5:00 p.m. Senator John McCain has been invited
to accept the tribute wreath on behalf of POWs nationwide.

On the homefront | | Woodbridge Sentinel

On the homefront Woodbridge Sentinel: "With her husband, U.S.Marine Cpl. Brian Kevin Joseph, 25, preparing to be deployed for his first tour in Iraq, Melanie L. Joseph is doing some preparing of her own. She now has to take care of their household and their four children without him.And she plans on taking each day one day at a time.

"For me and our children - Gabriella, 13, Alexander, 9½, Adelina, 7½, and Samayah, 17 months, we have to live with this every day until he comes home," said Melanie, as she sat at her kitchen table May 31 at her home on Liberty Street in Fords. "When I woke up in the morning, Brian was already at work, so I didn't see him anyway. But when 4 p.m. rolls around and he does not walk through the door, it just hits you, especially during dinnertime."

"I also keep decorating the house with a patriotic theme- it justmakesme
feel better," saidMelanie, who added that she decorates her house for every
holiday. "The Our Soldier at War flag with the blue star [which represents a
familymember serving in a war] that the military gave us is hung on our front
door and the decorations will remain up until he comes home, even for
Christmas," she said. "

Soldiers Love Starbucks and Biker Fusion

::: Web of ::: The Blog :::: Soldiers Love Starbucks and Biker Fusion: "Tim Grever, District Manager of Northern Nevada Starbucks Coffee, his employees and local customers who purchased over 300 lbs of coffee made many soldiers happy as you can see from the photo....
Members of the Nevada National Guard met Web of Support Members and a few Blue Star Moms to pack up the was great fun on the patio of the Starbucks in Carson City. Members of the community wrote messages on their bags of coffee...we also sent some coffee to the 101st Airborne out of Fort Campbell, Ky.
Starbucks at Quail Roost in Carson City just started a coffee campaign and have over 9lbs donated so far......this coffee will be going to the 140th of the National Guard in Iraq."

Packers donate $20K to Blue Star Mothers

The Journal Times Online > Local News > Packers donate $20K to Blue Star Mothers: "RACINE — Because she is one of them, Sue Gourdoux understands the concerns of women with children in the military.

That’s why Gourdoux helped found the Blue Star Mothers of Southeast Wisconsin. She and her aunt, Colleen LaFave, started the local chapter of the historic organization in 2007.

Gourdoux’s intent, at the time, was to show support for her son, Joseph, who was on his second deployment in Iraq, and other members of the U.S. military, she said.

“There are lots of mothers and family members who need that extra hug — whether it is by a phone call, visit or cards — who have a hard time coping with a son or daughter in the Armed Forces. Having them away from home is stressful,” Gourdoux said. “This group can reach out to these families and give them support.”

Gourdoux’s group is one of two Blue Star Chapters in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Blue Star Mothers Chapter 1 is located in Green Bay. Their mission is to offer solace and support to active duty service men and women, veterans and their families.A $20,000 donation they received in late May, from the Green Bay Packers and American Family Insurance, will assist them in their mission.Gourdoux, president of Chapter 2, Dawn Hermann from Chapter 2 and Judy Sivert from Chapter 1 accepted the donation for the Blue Star Mothers. The donation will be split between the two chapters."

These NH veterans never forget - Sunday, Jun. 15, 2008 - New Hampshire news, business and sports - These NH veterans never forget - Sunday, Jun. 15, 2008: "Karen Thurston of Gilford is president of the New Hampshire chapter of Blue Star Mothers, an organization of military families that supports the annual Freedom Ride and weekly POW/MIA vigils. Blue Stars represent those who are serving or have served, Gold Stars those who die in war.
Thurston said it was only when her own son, Alex, an Army National Guardsman, was deployed to Iraq in 2004 that she thought about the pain felt by the parents of missing servicemen: 'There but for the grace of God go I.'
Now, whenever she attends an event honoring the troops, Thurston said, "We always say please take a moment to remember that mother who hasn't had closure and would love to have her child come home.
"A POW family is still a Blue Star family," Thurston said. "They don't become a Gold Star until (their deceased sons or daughters) are returned.""

Blue Star Mothers to host golf tournament

Blue Star Mothers to host golf tournament (Muskogee Phoenix) Best Web Hosting Service Providers: "Oklahoma Chapter 3 of the Blue Star Mothers will be hosting a charity golf tournament Sept. 8 at the Muskogee Country Club. They are currently looking for corporate sponsors for teams and advertisers."

Blue Star Mothers Memorial - The Monroe Evening News, Monroe, MI: "Members of the Eden's Garden Club spruced up Veterans Park Saturday.

Instead of planting flowers, however, they sowed a memorial plaque into the ground in honor of those serving in the armed forces.

The 32-member club dedicated the Blue Star Mothers Memorial at a ceremony Saturday morning at the park. About 80 people attended the event to unveil themarker. It is located between the Korean Memorial and the World War II Memorial, and sits in front of a pavilion.

'It's our way of paying tribute to the armed forces of America,' said Betty Wilhelm, president of Eden's Garden Club, just before unveiling the marker to the crowd.

The National Garden Club Inc. began the Blue Star Memorial Marker program in 1944 during World War II to honor the men and women serving our country. During the war, the Blue Star Service Flag was displayed in homes and businesses as a way of honoring those serving in the military.

The project eventually expanded across the country, including memorial markers along the nation's highways. The marker dedicated Saturday is the first one in Monroe."

Blue Star Mothers at it again

Blue Star Mothers at it again The Courier Houma, LA: "Suzie Johnston got a phone call a few weeks ago from her son, Sgt. William Johnston, who is currently living stateside with his wife of three months, Alicia.

It was good for her to receive the call, because it’s always good when Billy calls.
Yes, she still calls him Billy, sergeant stripes or no sergeant stripes.
'He may be my hero, but he’s always going to be my baby,' is how she explains it.
The news was not the best she could hope for, because Billy, she learned, is now preparing for his third overseas deployment.
But she kind of expected it."

Blue Star Mothers Need Your Help to Help Soldiers

Blue Star Mothers Need Your Help to Help Soldiers: "A group of Grand Junction moms is working hard to make sure soldiers overseas get a little taste of home. The Blue Star Mothers is collecting donations for Independence Day care packages.
Some of the moms were at First Christian Church on North First Street Tuesday looking at the goodies the community has dropped off.
Tomorrow they'll put together toiletries and snacks for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Blue Star Mothers say they're doing pretty good with the basics, but they're still collecting items like water ballons and water guns.
And if you know a soldier who could use a care package you can give their name to the group.
For more information call (970) 242-3845 or click on the link below"

Local airmen return home from Iraq

Local airmen return home from Iraq: "There were many warm welcomes Tuesday at McCarran Airport for about 30 Nellis airmen just home from Iraq.
The men and woman are with the 99th Security Forces, a group of police officers who were assigned to watch over inmates.
The group left on Halloween.
Some of the people who greeted the airmen are members of the Blue Star Mothers, an organization that tries to meet every military group coming home."

Garage Sale part 2c

Welcome to the Wright Home!: Garage Sale part 2c: "It Is Finished!!! I cannot tell you how happy I am that we are done! It's was a long weekend, but a blessed one. Kind of fun to have it be a neighborhood sale- the kids were back and forth between our house and the neighbors on both sides. One couple had Catherine for a good portion of the day and the other had Samuel. He was so cute- he was helping, not playing. He sat in his little fold up chair with the neighbors as they sold things to raise money for the Blue Star Mothers. Samuel had lots of fun and told me it was an honor to do things to help people in the Army. And it is."

Blue Star mothers looking for donations

Blue Star mothers looking for donations Lancaster Eagle Gazette: "Lancaster — The Chapter 10 Blue Star Mothers, along with Bob Boyd Ford and Tiki Bowling Lanes Inc., are sponsoring a Fill the Trucks For the Troops on Monday.

Donated items should be in a single-serving size. No glass, aerosol cans or sprays or lighters. The most-requested items include beef jerky, gum, phone cards, batteries, protein bars and odor eaters. Donate food, toiletries and entertainment items.
You can drop the items off at either Bob-Boyd Ford, 2840 N. Columbus St., or Tiki Bowling Lanes, 1521 Tiki Lane, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday."

Soldiers' spouses help one another

Soldiers' spouses help one another - Faith & Values - "Two other groups, Military Missions and the Blue Star Mothers, have care package parties, working with churches, businesses, and other groups that donate toiletries, snacks, and other items to be packed and sent to members of the military.
Julia Shaw, an active member of the Blue Star Mothers group, has a son in the military. Camden Jordan is an officer and a Ranger with the Army's 101st Airborne Division. Julia spent her birthday helping Camden store his belongings and pack what he needed for deployment. He left for Iraq the next day."

West Pasco happenings - St. Petersburg Times - St. Petersburg,FL,USABlue Stars Mothers: A local chapter of Blue Star Mothers is organizing in the Tampa Bay area. The nonprofit group consists of mothers who have, or have had, ...

West Pasco happenings - St. Petersburg Times: "West Pasco happenings"

Band of Mothers Founder Takes on Congress, Again

Gathering of Eagles: "Posted On: June 28, 2008 at 9:02 PM By: Chris Hill
Our very own Blue Star mother, and Band of Mothers Founder Beverly Perlson, is heading back to the nation's capital to turn up the heat on Speaker Pelosi and the rest of Congress. For several months now, she has stood on the corner in front of the Canon Office Building during high profile votes.
On 8, 9, and 10 July she will be back with patriotic music and signs telling Congress to do the right thing concerning our brave warriors in the desert. We are asking any of you in the D.C. area to consider giving up a few hours one of those days. We recognize that it is a Tuesday through Thursday, work days for those of us who pay for the machinery of the country. Bev will be out there from 0900 to 1700 hrs though come rain or come shine.
Please consider a few hours to support Bev and the brave troops who make our way of life possible. I will personally take the train in one afternoon to stand with her. I've always said three things:
1) I'll never ask any of you to do anything I won't do, 2) We don't all need to do every thing, we just all need to do one thing and 3) Not only would the men and women in the desert do it for you, They Already Are.
Let's show those brave warriors, and the honorable members of Congress just how much we care. Thank you all for your never ending service to the cause. Manchu
Chris Hill"

New state memorial unveiled - Fosters

New state memorial unveiled - Fosters: "POW/MIAs, veterans, and the families of service people were honored during this year's vigil at Hesky Park where the newly declared state memorial to the lost and missing was officially unveiled.

The ceremony took place after Thursday's Freedom Ride which started at Lowe's Plaza in Gilford and ended at Hesky Park.

Combat veterans stood by the memorial next to Blue and Gold Star Mothers at the beginning of the ceremony. A C130 aircraft — a plane that makes regular stops at the South Pole — flew overhead and soon was followed by a medic helicopter from the New Hampshire Army National Guard."

Fisher House, Womack, Silver and Gold Star

The Needle in a Haystack: Fisher House, Womack, Silver and Gold Star: "..I NEVER run out of laughs with my own Chapter 7 Blue Star Moms... add into that Barb from Chapter 4 and Deborah & Mary Jo from Chapter 5 (hope that's right MJ) and I know it will be a day of hugs and love...
.. after food and potty breaks on our way to Ft Bragg, we arrived at Fisher House , a sort of Ronald McDonald House for soldiers and their families. I was so excited to hear Spence from the 1132nd was there and passed on the well wishes...he was having surgery for wounds from April 6.. I met Paula & Lucy, 2 of the most wonderful ladies you will ever want to meet who run Fisher House... if you have a moment would you say a prayer for Lucy's son Ryan... He is preparing for a bone marrow transplant very soon... the great news is they have found three matches... ALL PERFECT 10s!! How amazing is that??? When things start moving along with it I'll keep you updated..."

East County mourns another hero

"The last time Denise Aragon spoke with her son, the 22-year-old sergeant was tired and stressed and couldn’t wait to come home on leave in July.
But a mother’s intuition left her with an unsettled feeling, a restlessness she couldn’t quite describe. Now, she says it all makes sense."

Historic Support of U.S. Troops From the Front Lines -

Historic Support of U.S. Troops From the Front Lines - Progress Report: "More big name celebrities have signed on to support Move America Forward’s pro-troop push to send the largest single shipment of care packages to U.S. troops in history - and will be joining the June 26th Internet web-a-thon broadcast of “From the Front Lines.”"

Hooray for the red, white and blue -

Hooray for the red, white and blue - Monday, June 16, 2008 - Copyright 2007 "There’s nothing like celebrating the Fourth of July for bringing out families and fun. This year’s lineup is sure to have something for everyone: fireworks, cookouts, top stars, parades and even “weiner” dog races. It’s enough to make one don his red, white and blue, and carry a sparkler.
The myriad of choices begins with taking a drive east to the Crosby Fairgrounds on June 28 to kick the season off. The East Lake Houston Fourth of July Celebration will feature a car show, fireworks music, a pie-baking contest, kid zone, karaoke, cook-off and wiener dog races.
It will be a chance to see patriotism put to work as hundreds of veterans are fed lunch as part of the celebration. Admission is free."
Although the event is free, donations for the lunch will be accepted and
funds raised will benefit a local charity, Blue Star Moms, which provides care
packages to men and women in the military and supports their families at home.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mulligans make for large donation to Blue Star Mothers |

Mulligans make for large donation to Blue Star Mothers "The Western Colorado Contractors Association recently donated $2,340 to the Blue Star Mothers, a local organization that proudly serves the military families of the Grand Valley.

Golfers stepped up to the plate and donated $1,170 from the purchase of mulligans at WCCA’s 2008 Adobe Creek Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 7.

WCCA’s board of directors decided to match the $1,170, bringing the total contribution to the Blue Star Mothers to $2,370!

Thank you, golfers, for your support of Grand Valley Blue Star Mothers!"

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In Tri-Valley, small-town spirit at heart of July 4 celebrations - Inside Bay Area

"San Ramon, Danville and Pleasanton's festivities will mark key anniversaries
Article Created: 07/02/2008 09:11:17 PM PDT

Putting on a spectacular Fourth of July event isn't a quick job.
When San Ramon puts on its 25th anniversary fireworks spectacular Friday, and Pleasanton's Wayside Park is filled with fans of patriotic prose, and Livermore's Robertson Park fills with those eager for fireworks and family fun, you can be sure lots of planning went into the events.
In Danville, the Kiwanis Club of the San Ramon Valley began planning 18 months ago for this year's 50th anniversary Independence Day parade. Friday's parade not only marks the 50th anniversary of the parade, but the 150th birthday year of Danville."

More... In Tri-Valley, small-town spirit at heart of July 4 celebrations - Inside Bay Area:

Soldier reunites with family in Havasu

Army Spc. Patrick Audette Jr. will be able to celebrate America's birthday in Lake Havasu City this year with family and friends. The soldier was enthusiastically welcomed home Wednesday by more than 100 people, after 15 months in Iraq.

After gathering at Wal-Mart Supercenter, Audette was escorted home by a Lake Havasu City Fire engine company and members of the Lake Havasu Patriots, which includes the Lake Havasu City Blue Star Mothers, Patriot Guard Riders, American Legion Riders and Vietnam Veterans of America.Audette served with the 4th Stryker Brigade combat team, 2nd Infantry Division, which saw action in Baghdad and Baqubah, Iraq.Tears began to fill the eyes of mom, Dianne, as she conveyed her overwhelming happiness at having her son home, safe and sound. "He's home. I'm so relieved. I will watch him sleep tonight when he goes to bed," she said. "It's good to have him home and Sunday, we will all be in church together."Audette Jr. said he expects to be home for about a year and a half before being sent back to Iraq or to Afghanistan."

More...Today's News-Herald - - Serving Lake Havasu City & The Lower Colorado River Area - News - News:

Friday, July 4, 2008

Natick veteran's military burial is first for Missing in America Project in Massachusetts - The Boston Globe

"By Michele Morgan Bolton
Globe Correspondent / June 19, 2008
The crack of a 21-gun salute broke the silence in the Massachusetts National Cemetery in Bourne.
more stories like thisFour years after his death, Master Sergeant Adam A. Kippes finally came to rest in the plot of land set aside for veterans like him. Kippes was the first veteran in Massachusetts to be given military burial honors through the efforts of the Missing in America Project.
The program, founded in Oregon last year, searches for the forgotten cremated remains of veterans that have languished on shelves or in the dusty basements of funeral homes, state hospitals, and prisons - in some cases for more than 100 years."
More...Natick veteran's military burial is first for Missing in America Project in Massachusetts - The Boston Globe:

KVNU's For The People

6/18 FTP: Utah Priorities on Taxes and Spending, Morgan Bowen, Off-shore drilling KVNU's For The People: "Rhonda Hunter of Blue Star Mothers will tell us about a Peter Breinholt benefit concert Saturday."

Blue Star Mom « Militarymother’s Weblog

Blue Star Mom « Militarymother’s Weblog: "Right now - at this very moment, I can honestly say that what I wish more than anything in the whole world and with all my heart, selfish as it may be, is that my son would NOT have to go to war AGAIN. To deliberately go and put his life in jeopardy, goes against every grain of living breathing moral consciousness I have and it makes me sick. I keep saying over and over “I don’t want him to go - please somebody stop him. Please God - can’t YOU do anything to make this horrible deliberate action of insanity, go away?"


A team of patriotic leaders are working together in a historic undertaking with the goal of sending the largest single shipment of care packages to U.S. troops in American history. The care package drive will result in the shipment of not just 1,000 care packages -- a feat accomplished by the Grand Ole Opry in October 2007. Organizers similarly won't settle for just the 10,000 packages shipped as part of an impressive effort undertaken by the Nevada Girl Scouts. And they plan to surpass the efforts of the terrific organization, Operation Gratitude, which undertook a multi-day effort to pack and ship 50,000 care packages last year. The shipment is scheduled to go out days before the 4th of July, as a gift from the American people to our military men and women - to thank them for ensuring that our nation remains safe and free."


Ft. Dix Deployment on Saturday

"This Saturday, June 14, 2008, Eagles UP will join a coalition of patriotic organizations at Fort Dix, New Jersey to join in sending off over 2700 men and women of the New Jersey National Guard. Other organizations participating in what is considered to be the largest troop deployment from the state of New Jersey since World War II, includes ARMS (American Recreational Military Services,) Deloitte Touche USA, VVA899, Gold Star Mothers, Blue Star Mothers and the USO.

Over 12,000 family members, friends and caring private citizens are expected to begin arriving at 5:30 AM to be on-hand to wish our men and women well. Official ceremonies are set to conclude by 12:30 PM."

Eagles Up! - Ft. Dix Deployment on Saturday:

Monday, June 23, 2008

An effective way to support our Troops: help the Blue Star Mothers of America

"There are many ways to support our troops, actions more effective than a bumper sticker on your car. Such as supporting the Blue Star Mothers of America. Founed in 1942, they support our troops in many ways. Sending packages, sending letters to those with no families, and a dozen other ways — and supporting each other through the trials of having a child in one of our Armed Forces."

More...An effective way to support our Troops: help the Blue Star Mothers of America « Fabius Maximus:

Wayne - Wounded Warrior III Poker Run : Gathering of Eagles: NY

"Patriot Guard Riders of New York and VFW Post 6778 of Palmyra, NY, are hosting the Wounded Warrior III Poker Run on Saturday, July 26th in Palmyra, NY.
Proceeds from this event will benefit projects for wounded Warriors."

Wayne - Wounded Warrior III Poker Run : Gathering of Eagles: NY:

Appreciation to people of Morgan Hill for support of Blue Star Mom fundraiser

"Dear Editor,

On May 17 a South Bay Blue Star Mom fundraiser was held at the Morgan Hill Nob Hill Store. A big THANK YOU to the good people of Morgan Hill for their contributions that will be included in our next care package event to the troops currently deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. I also want to thank Nob Hill Store Manager, Ralph Aguinaga. He and his courtesy clerks were very kind and a great help to us during this event. Thank you again.

Lolly and Jamie Amato
Proud of our Marine" Letters: No sports and recreation fields in southeast quadrant:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Former Blue Star Mother Dies at 96

Ruth “Toots” Dickhoff, 96, of Charles City, died Tuesday, June 3, 2008, at the Floyd County Medical Center in Charles City.Funeral services for Ruth Dickhoff will be held 10 a.m. Saturday at the Hauser Funeral Home in Charles City. Reverend Carl Ries, pastor of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery at Charles City.Friends may call at the Hauser Funeral Home from 9 a.m. until service time on Saturday where the Rosary will be recited at 9 a.m.Ruth Mae Green Dickhoff was born January 9, 1912, at Charles City, the daughter of William and Edith (Bovia) Green. She received her education at Charles City. On April 29, 1932, she was united in marriage to Donald Dickhoff at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Charles City. Donald died on November 23, 1959. Toots spent her life working for others. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and past member of the Blue Star Mothers and Vista Volunteers. Her interests included gardening, baking, canning, reading, dancing, fishing, singing and playing „500‰. Her life centered around her family and she took every opportunity to share her life with them.Living family members include three children, Bill (Jeanette) Dickhoff of Des Moines, Sharon Herman of Charles City and David Dickhoff of Mt. Pleasant; 14 grandchildren; 27 great grandchildren; 12 great great grandchildren; a sister-in-law, Marie (Don) Nord of Minn.; and several nieces and nephews including Gayle Green.She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; two sons, Danny and Chuck Dickhoff; a daughter, Jeannine Bluhm; an infant grandson, baby Dickhoff; a great grandson, Stephen Davidson; three brothers; and three sisters.The Hauser Funeral Home, (641) 228-2323,, in Charles City, is in charge of arrangements

Councilmember Sue Digre is a 'Military Mom on a mission'

"It might be surprising to know what things soldiers request most often from Pacifica Military Moms.
Nylons, for instance, and socks.
Nylons are used to cover guns so the sand doesn't get in. Socks doused in water at night serve as a cooling container for water bottles — this makes water less likely to boil and easier to drink.
There are also reequests for those small toys from fast food outlets. Soldiers can put a bunch of these toys in their pockets, along with little bouncing balls and candy, and hand them out to the kids they meet."
Councilmember Sue Digre is a 'Military Mom on a mission' - Pacifica Tribune Online:

Blue Star Mothers work to keep soldiers cool

"The group is holding a workshop Saturday in Greer for anyone in the community interested in making 'cool ties.' The ties are bandana-like wraps that contain tiny crystals which, when moistened, stay cool for eight hours.
The cool ties will be sent to troops serving in the Mideast, who often wrap them around their necks or put them in their helmets to provide relief from summer temperatures, which can reach 140 degrees, said Toni Gilstrap, president of Greenville Blue Star Mothers."
More...Blue Star Mothers work to keep soldiers cool The Greenville News:

Blue Star Mothers March In Parade - Post-Journal

"WESTFIELD — The Chautauqua County Chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America Inc. recently participated in the Westfield Memorial Day parade.
Members passed out candy and flyers with information about their collection campaign to send patriotic holiday packages to local service men and women serving in the United States military. "

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Almost home

"Passengers boarding planes at San Jose's airport Saturday morning applauded as war-weary members of the California Army National Guard's 349th Quartermaster Company disembarked after a year in Iraq. The unit also was greeted with hugs by Debi Brewster, top, and other members of the South Bay Blue Star Moms. The troops' journey home started about five days ago and was to end with a bus ride to Camp San Luis Obispo, where they were to be reunited with their families. Christina Kent, above, carries her talisman, a stuffed dog she got six months ago in a care package."
Almost home - San Jose Mercury News:

Packers Donate Black Cap Money

"The Green Bay Packers help give military organizations a financial boost.
This week, the team, along with American Family Insurance, presented a $340,000 check that'll be split-up among groups like the American Legion, the USO, Operation Homefront, and the Blue Star Mothers.
The money was raised through the packer's charity cap campaign. More than $68,000 worth of the black caps were sold.
The proceeds will help active-duty service men and women across the country -- as well as their families and our nation's veterans."

More...Packers Donate Black Cap Money:

Group honors soldier killed in Afghanistan

"One-hundred and sixty-five strangers and friends spanned three Carson City blocks on Friday afternoon dressed in red shirts and carrying American flags.

They shared a sole purpose, to honor American service members on an occasion that was solemn, the anniversary of the death of a Gardnerville native Chief Warrant Officer Joshua Rodgers."

More... Group honors soldier killed in Afghanistan Nevada Appeal Serving Carson City, Nevada:

Moms to talk about support for troops

"CANANDAIGUA — Learn how the Blue Star Mothers of America Inc. supports America's sons and daughters in the military.

Blue Star Mothers' New York Chapter 1 will hold an open house from noon to 4 p.m. May 31 and June 1 at the former New York State Electric and Gas Corp.'s customer service center, 60 Phelps St. Refreshments will be served."
Moms to talk about support for troops Democrat and Chronicle:

Monday, June 2, 2008

Blue Star Mothers

"Moms with military kids find support in each other
By Oscar Halpert
Enterprise editor
In a few weeks, Susan Crisafulli will see her son, Daniel, again. He's returning from Iraq, where he's served in the U.S. Army since 2004, most recently, at a base in Baquba, fighting in a war that began with the U.S. invasion of March 2003.

For much of those four years, the Lake Forest Park woman has sought and received emotional support from the local chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America, an organization that got its start during WWII and is open to mothers with children in the military."

"There needs to be more community awareness of our returning veterans and
more out there for them," said Merinda Mullins, chapter president. Her group has
nearly 50 members who pay $10 a year in dues. Others, like McKinney, who doesn't
have a child in the military, can join as associate members.

There are a lot of organizations that want to tag-team with us," Terwedo told the members. "People want to know what they can do for X amount of dollars. You don't get it if you don't ask for it."Aaron Terwedo graduated from Cascade High School in Everett and enlisted at age 20. His mom says he'd wanted to be a police officer very early -- in his teens -- but wasn't old enough. Then he met an Army recruiter at high school. When he's finished with the service, Aaron, 24, plans to work as a police officer, Terwedo said.Tara Terwedo says the two terms Aaron's been serving, which included more than 18 months in Iraq, have been challenging."It comes and goes in waves," she said of worry. "The best word that describes it is raw; you're just raw."She says she's proud of Aaron."The first time he went over there, he was in Tikrit," she says. "He guarded the ballots so people could vote in the elections."

More...The Enterprise Newspapers: Blue Star Mothers:

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fallen heroes honored

"As Carole Bryant tied patriotic balloons around Kiroli Park's bandstand Monday for the Blue Star Mothers' Memorial Day service, it was obvious her thoughts were thousands of miles away.

Her husband, Josh, is currently serving his first tour in Iraq. He arrived there May 1.

Bryant, who lives near Farmerville, said she joined the Blue Star Mothers organization in November because she was looking to meet others who knew what she was going through.

'They are always there for me to talk to … and with a husband in Iraq, I always need someone to talk to,' she said as she moved around the bandstand with dozens of balloons."

Palisade mother welcomes son home from Iraq

GRAND JUNCTION (KJCT)- A Palisade mother welcomed her son home from Iraq today after seven long months.
Twenty one-year-old Justin Aysse is a Field Lineman with the U.S. Marines.
He's from 29 Palms California... And his mom, Julie Dominguez, says it was the first time they've been separated for this long.
She says they communicated by e-mail, but sometimes she wouldn't hear from Justin for weeks.
Julie says not a day went by when she didn't cry... worrying about her son.
Julie and her daughter are new to the area and say they're thankful for the heartfelt welcome home Justin received from the community.
Julie is a member of the Grand Valley Blue Star mothers and the National
Blue Star Mothers Yearbook Editor.

Justin will be in Palisade for three days, and then heads back to the base in California.
"I'm so proud of him, words just cannot express. I'm proud and I ache when I'm away from him, and the fear is tremendous. But all I can say is we're all so proud of him," said Julie.
"Just the fact that there's actually people out there that care about what's going on over there, it's a real blessing," said Justin.
Justin will head back to Iraq next March.

Palisade mother welcomes son home from Iraq

Enid Item Drive

The Enid News and Eagle, Enid, OK - Bulletin Board for 5-29-08: "Blue Star Mother’s chapter fundraiser slated Saturday

Enid’s Blue Star Mothers chapter will host a membership and donation drive from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Wal-Mart Supercenter, 5505 W. Garriott.

Blue Star Mothers, made up of women who have or have had children in the military, is seeking donations for its Freedom Boxes, which are sent each month to local troops stationed overseas."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Green Chile, Chapstick and Neck Coolers

Santa Fe Blue Star Mothers -- Video

Neighbor Newspapers - Cookies headed for troops overseas

Neighbor Newspapers - Cookies headed for troops overseas: "Beth Conley and Dan Kachel, of the Sand Springs Station restaurant, show some of the cookies being sent to troops overseas.

SAND SPRINGS -- Sometimes, it's the little things you miss the most. Like a fresh, handmade cookie just like mom used to make. For the troops overseas in the scorching deserts of Iraq, those little things seem worlds away.

With the help of the Sand Springs Station restaurant, Beth Conley is making sure the soldiers of the 45th Infantry Division can have a little taste of home. Conley is shipping out dozens of cookies, donated by Chef Dan Kachel's restaurant and cooked by Rosa Cousins, to Iraq.

'I'd like to try to get people to do something extra special for troops around Father's Day and the Fourth of July,' Conley, whose son Sgt. Beau Conley is with the unit, said. 'They like the homemade things.'

Conley said she wanted to provide encouragement and let the soldiers, who are nearly six months into their deployment, know they are remembered back home.

For Kachel, it was an easy call to donate his restaurant's goodies to the troops.

'Anything we can do to help,' he said. 'Happy to.'

Conley said that anyone wanting to make a donation can contact the Sand Springs Blue Star Mothers, an organization of family members of troops, for suggested donations. The Blue Star Mothers can be reached at"

Crafty Blue Star Mothers hope to help soldiers keep cool |

Crafty Blue Star Mothers hope to help soldiers keep cool The Greenville News: "GREER -- Soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan might be able to stay a little cooler, thanks to the efforts of the Greenville Blue Star Mothers.

The group is holding a workshop Saturday in Greer at which members, and anyone from the community interested in helping, will make “cool ties,” or bandana-like wraps that contain tiny crystals which, when moistened, stay cool for eight hours.
The cool ties will be sent to troops serving in the Middle East, who often wrap them around their necks or put them in their helmets to provide some measure of relief from summer temperatures which can reach 140 degrees, said Toni Gilstrap, president of Greenville Blue Star Mothers.
“Anything you can do to get a little cool in there helps,” Gilstrap said.
The cool ties are made by sewing together strips of fabric, and filling them with the tiny crystals using a funnel, then sewing together the ends of the tie. “Anyone that can sew, cut, even fill or iron (is welcome),” Gilstrap said. She said family members of group members have expressed frustration that similar store-bought items are only good for one day before the crystals begin to leak out, or stop retaining their coolness. Gilstrap said searches for store-bought wraps that were well-constructed and reusable didn’t pan out, so group members decided to make their own. “And plus, there’s a little bit of love sewn in there,” Gilstrap said. The workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 31 at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 300 O’Neal Road. For more information, call 877-4090 or 313-9632."


"One of the joys in living in a small town is the way the community gets behind events. Last Saturday was just such a day here in Coweta.
Blue Star Mothers had a campaign of selling yellow T-shirts to the community that had the blue ribbon that said 'Coweta Support our troops' and below the ribbon 'until they all come home' Blue Star Mothers is a nation wide organization of mothers who have son's serving in the Armed Forces. They fix up care boxes to send to the troops. Coweta has the only current Blue Star Mothers Club in Oklahoma."

More...Penless Writer: MAY 17th NATIONAL ARMED FORCES DAY:

“Happy Birthday, America”

Blue Star Mothers, Special to The Observer
As the 4th of July draws near, the Rio Rancho Blue Star Mothers begin preparations for their “Happy Birthday, America” care packages for the military.
If past experiences hold true, more than 300 boxes will be mailed on June 23.
According to Blue Star Mother Marla Griffith, “These boxes symbolize home and assure the troops that friends and family haven’t forgotten them.”"

Rio Rancho Observer Online:

Somber, celebratory events mark holiday in Grandview

"As the nation pauses for a weekend to remember those who have lost their lives while defending it, many cities around the country will hold poignant events in honor of fallen servicemen.

Grandview Heights will be among them with its annual slate of events.

The city will hold its annual memorial service, sponsored by the Tri-Village unit of the Blue Star Mothers, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 22 at Memorial Park between Oxley Road, Northwest Boulevard and West Second Avenue."

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