Friday, February 20, 2009

Girl Scout Cookie Sales Up, Booth Sales Underway

"In partnership with Blue Star Mothers, Girl Scouts support our service men and women through “Cookies for Soldiers,” a project which sends Girl Scout cookies to military personnel serving abroad. Last year, Mountains to Midlands shipped over 11,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to soldiers. Customers may participate in this great program by purchasing cookies specifically for service personnel overseas. Blue Star Mothers will also accept contributions for shipping costs. Customers are encouraged to continue this wonderful tradition of offering our military heroes a “taste of home” again this year."

Girl Scout Cookie Sales Up, Booth Sales Underway WSPA:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I attend the Operation Welcome Home events at BWI (Baltimore Airport) and we have troops of Girl Scouts distributing cookies...soldiers eyes DO light up at the sight of those boxes!