Thursday, April 30, 2009

Online Letters to the Editors for April 28

Thanks to Blue Star Mothers, troops overseas aren't forgotten
"I would like to express my appreciation to all the residents who so generously supported the New York State Yellow Ribbon Initiative by dropping items for our service people at the Saratoga County Clerk’s Office, at one of our three Department of Motor Vehicle Offices and/or at the town of Halfmoon.
Seventeen boxes of food, toiletries, books and other items were collected during the course of one week to support the Yellow Ribbon campaign. These boxes were given to the Capital Region Chapter 32 — New York Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., who pack and send freedom boxes to our deployed troops on a regular basis.
As we come closer to the end of the war in Iraq, sometimes we forget that the soldiers serving our country are still in danger and that every day they are risking their lives in the name of freedom. It is important that these brave men and women know that we will support each and every one of them until the very last one has been brought home to safety. Also, we must show young men and women who are considering a military career that they will be supported — whether it be in Iraq, Afghanistan, or serving their country on our own soil. Our country was built on hard work, optimism and the promise of freedom. Let us show the men and women in the armed forces that we are still willing to work hard, be optimistic and hold firm the belief that the freedom we fought for, so many years ago, is still worth fighting for today.
The Blue Star Mothers deserve a great deal of praise. The members, who are mothers of an active-duty or honorably discharged military person, work tirelessly on behalf of our troops. Not only do they send out the boxes of collected items, but also welcome troops home at the airport, proudly show their support in area patriotic parades, volunteer at the Stratton VA Medical Center and much more. If you would like to show your support, they would gladly accept donations to help pay for the cost of sending packages overseas. For contact information and general information, visit their Web site at
A special thank you to Halfmoon Supervisor Mindy Wormuth for partnering with the county clerk’s office in the collection of items for our soldiers. A huge round of applause to Carol Hotaling for her tireless efforts on behalf of our soldiers and for organizing this event. Again, I wish to thank everyone who brought in items for our soldiers. Your response to this call was overwhelming and heartwarming."

Kathy Marchione

Online Letters to the Editors for April 28:

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