Shelby County Reporter Local Blue Star Mothers participate in Memorial Day Events: "Last summer, a small group of Chelsea mothers of active military personnel began working to organize a local chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America Inc.
In October, the group was chartered by the national organization as the first chapter in Alabama.
“But there is now a second group in north Alabama,” said President Pam Wilson. “Chapter One now has “22 members (mothers of active duty military) and nine associate members (family, friends or those that want to support our efforts).”
Blue Star Mothers of America Inc. sends care packages and writes letters of encouragement to troops. They support veteran’s health groups and families who lose loved ones in the war against terrorism. The organization also supports the efforts of other groups to bring the plight of POW/MIAs and veterans to the nation’s attention.
On Memorial Day this year, the local chapter participated in the Laying On Of Wreaths ceremonies at the Alabama National Cemetery and the American Village.
“We laid two wreaths, one at the Alabama National Cemetery and one at the American Village in honor of those men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we can continue to live in this great nation and enjoy the freedoms that we have today,” said Wilson.
Mothers from the group also manned a table where visitors to the American Village could get more information on the organization and sign up for membership.
Vice–president Katharine Johnston was one of these mothers. Her son has deployed twice to Iraq with the army and is now back in the States.
Bobbi Wideman’s son also did two tours in Iraq, but was discharged from active duty with the army the first of this year. She is still an active member of Blue Star Mothers."
In October, the group was chartered by the national organization as the first chapter in Alabama.
“But there is now a second group in north Alabama,” said President Pam Wilson. “Chapter One now has “22 members (mothers of active duty military) and nine associate members (family, friends or those that want to support our efforts).”
Blue Star Mothers of America Inc. sends care packages and writes letters of encouragement to troops. They support veteran’s health groups and families who lose loved ones in the war against terrorism. The organization also supports the efforts of other groups to bring the plight of POW/MIAs and veterans to the nation’s attention.
On Memorial Day this year, the local chapter participated in the Laying On Of Wreaths ceremonies at the Alabama National Cemetery and the American Village.
“We laid two wreaths, one at the Alabama National Cemetery and one at the American Village in honor of those men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we can continue to live in this great nation and enjoy the freedoms that we have today,” said Wilson.
Mothers from the group also manned a table where visitors to the American Village could get more information on the organization and sign up for membership.
Vice–president Katharine Johnston was one of these mothers. Her son has deployed twice to Iraq with the army and is now back in the States.
Bobbi Wideman’s son also did two tours in Iraq, but was discharged from active duty with the army the first of this year. She is still an active member of Blue Star Mothers."
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