Monday, November 16, 2009

Amelia Village Honors Local Veterans -

Amelia Village Honors Local Veterans - "AMELIA, Ohio -- Amelia is making everyday Veterans Day.

The Village will have its 5th annual salute to veterans Saturday at Amelia Elementary School.

It starts at 2:00 p.m.

This year's event honors women in the military.

The event will also have several featured speakers including: Colonel Dean Smittle, USAF Retired and Military Analyst for WLW 700 Radio; Colonel William J. Rapp, USMCR Ret.; Bob Proud, Clermont County Commissioner, Captain Karen Caligaris, U.S. Navy Veteran and U.S. Army Reserves and Women Veterans Program Manager.

The Blue Star Moms will share experiences and participants will be able to enjoy musical entertainment from The Lasting Impressions."

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