Friday, December 18, 2009

Londonderry Wreaths Across America Ceremony “Wreaths of Remembrance” – Londonderry NH net

"Londonderry Wreaths Across America Ceremony “Wreaths of Remembrance”At 9:30am on Sunday December 6, 2009 five Blue Star Mothers held the first Londonderry Wreaths Across America Ceremony on the historic Londonderry Town Common.
Opening with a minute of silence to remember the fallen, the prisoners of war, the missing in action and honor those who have served and are serving this great nation’s armed services, the common was still with monuments draped with fresh snow. Following an opening prayer Joanne Paradis spoke on behalf of the Mothers."

More... Londonderry Wreaths Across America Ceremony “Wreaths of Remembrance” – Londonderry NH net:

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