Monday, August 24, 2009

Right in a Left World: Organizing For America Offends Families Of Troops & Veterans

"Although we missed the initial gathering of activists who may have volunteered, we did see that there were not one, but two tables set up by Organizing for America activists... the sites chosen for both of their tables could not have been more inappropriate or offensive. If it wasn’t a deliberate act of confrontation to set up where they did, it shows their lack of class and how they don’t care whom they offend to get their way. The one booth was alongside the booth set up by a brand new chapter being organized for Blue Star Mothers, Moms who have Sons or Daughters who volunteered for our Military and are actively serving America at this time.
But, nearly directly across the sidewalk from the Blue Star Mothers was an active table of Organizing For America displaying their signs condemning...

Most offensive to the Moms manning the Blue Star Mother booth was that Organizing For America chose to put out a sign directly across from their booth saying, “Trillions for Wars and nothing for healthcare?” "Read Blog... Right in a Left World: Organizing For America Offends Families Of Troops & Veterans:

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