Thursday, November 8, 2007

Blue to Gold

The Mountain Press: "Gold Star Mother helps others with same loss By: STAN VOIT EditorNovember 06, 2007 Email to a friend Voice your opinion Parents aren't supposed to outlive their children. When Gayle Thomas lost her only son and oldest child to the war in Iraq in 2005, it shattered her world. It would have done the same to any loving parent. Advertisement In the two and a half years since Paul Thomason III died in a vehicle explosion, Thomas has had a hard time getting over it. But she has found new purpose in her life as a Gold Star Mother. Before her son was killed, she didn't even know what a Gold Star Mother was. 'I knew about Blue Star Mothers,' she said. 'I was a Blue Star Mother, which means a mother with a child serving in war.'"

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